ITCL Blog | Technological knowledge to society | ITCL


“Wise men speak because they have something to say; Fools because they have to say something” (Plato)

NAVANTWING – Research on technologies for digital twinning and exploitation in the naval sector.

Naval digital transformation utilizes digital twins and virtual models that enhance efficiency and competitiveness. Despite technological challenges, it is crucial to advance in their implementation to integrate information and overcome limitations.

Duration: April 2023 – June 2025

HosmartAI: AI-based Appointment Scheduling

AI-based appointment scheduling is transforming healthcare logistics by increasing patient and healthcare professional satisfaction. HosmartAI addresses hospital appointment management challenges, optimizing the scheduling process trhought advanced artificial...

AI4HOPE – Artificial Intelligence based health, optimism, purpose and endurance in palliative care for dementia

AI4HOPE focuses on implementing an Advanced Care Planning System for dementia patients and caregivers, integrating emotion regulation and pain management with AI models to improve care while recognizing dementia as a life-limiting disease.

Duration: 2024-2027

Cuidados paliativos

Sudoe Hospital 4.0 – Intelligent energy management in hospital buildings

Hospitals are buildings of continuous use, which have very specific air conditioning requirements in their different spaces and are conditioned to a climatological evolution characteristic of the Sudoe territory. Inefficient management or their inadequacy lead to incensive costs, avoidable emissions and inefficiency of public investment in their construction and maintenance.

Duration: October 2019 - March 2022


ITCL and Arcelik Global take steps in the AI4LABOUR by sharing knowledge and adding talent

During 2023, ITCL hosted two employees from the Turkish multinational Arçelik Global, who will work collaboratively for the European Marie Skłodowska-Curie AI4LABOUR project. A journey that for the two employees, originally from the Turkish country, they valued as “extremely positive” in terms of implementing common ideas and that also allowed them to “test the project survey” being the first company in the world to do it.

arcelik en itcl

School of Empathy, a game to combat bulling

ITCL has recently launched a video game that seeks to combat bullying. In this way, the aim is to answer questions such as what to do in a bullying situation or how we can correct this type of situation. A 'serious game' developed from Burgos with the aim of fighting against bullying and that allows the player to acquire responsible behavior to avoid bullying situations in the school environment.

School of Empathy screenshot

Sofía Vallecorsa CERN: “The role of the private sector in the field of quantum computing is very relevant with an ecosystem of companies that are already looking towards it”

Talking about quantum computing at the European level is talking about CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research. From her laboratories, Sofía Vallecorsa has been working for years on the analysis and potential of quantum computing. From the Franco-Swiss border, Vallecorsa leads the study of the Quantum Technology Initiative, dedicated to investigating the impact of quantum technologies (computing, detection and communication) in the field of High Energy Physics.

ESPADIN- Data spaces in industry

Collaborative technological impulse dedicated to bringing the sharing and exploitation of the value of data to industrial practice under the paradigm of the denominated shared data spaces, working on the quality, availability and reliability of the data. Industrial research in these three areas will provide lines of work that promote trust and security, fundamental for the progress of the aforementioned paradigm, in terms of solving cross-cutting and strategic challenges of Spanish industry.

Duration: 2022-2024

SecBluRed- Holistic approach to cybersecurity in the Industrial IoT (IIoT).

SecBluRed - Holistic approach to cybersecurity in the Industrial IoT, proposes several lines of research within the development of cybersecurity capabilities focused on productive, operational and logistical activities in the industrial environment that offer the necessary protection to the connected industry.

Duration: 2022-2025

iMERMAID will improve the quality of Mediterranean waters from Burgos

Burgos hosted the first meeting of the European project Imermaid, in which ITCL Technology Center participates, and which seeks to incorporate advanced technological solutions that contribute to improving the environmental situation of the Mediterranean. An important project promoted by the Horizon Europe program of the European Union with a duration of 36 months and about 9 million euros that was born to address the problem of chemical pollution in the Mediterranean from profitable and sustainable solutions.


FitDrive to be presented on 3 May at the European Parliament

The European Project FitDrive, in which ITCL participates, will be presented on 3 May at the European Parliament at a working day in which the partners of an important project that seeks to minimise driving risks in professional drivers. The meeting will take place in Brussels, promoted by the European Federation of Driving Schools (EFA).

HOSMARTAI – Intelligent Hospital Development

The HosmartAI project will create a common open integration platform, with the necessary tools to facilitate and measure the benefits of integrating digital technologies (robotics and AI) into the healthcare system.

Several large-scale pilot projects will make it possible to evaluate the various improvements in several hospital environments:
Medical diagnosis, surgical interventions, disease prevention and treatment, rehabilitation support and long-term care.

Duration: 2021 - 2024

iPROHAB – Supply processes for the improvement of the competitiveness of the habitat sector

Research into the use of RPA systems for reading and downloading information, as well as the use of Blockchain technology, to provide the information obtained with veracity and immutability. Through the use of artificial intelligence, companies in the value chain will be redirected to the optimal profile.

Duration: 8 months (2022-2023)


SMART NOC – Research on emerging technologies for intelligent management of communication network control centres

Project Description: This project proposes research into cutting-edge technologies for the design and implementation of an intelligent system for the integral management of the Network Operations Center (NOC) of a broadcast network. SmartNOC will integrate the most...

KAIROS – Intelligent and automated 4.0 manufacturing of large naval composite parts

Research in cutting-edge composite manufacturing technologies, Industry 4.0 and Digital Twin aimed at developing a solution for the efficient manufacturing of large composite parts for the shipbuilding sector, with a high degree of automation, as well as quality and cost optimisation.

Duration: October 2021-September 2025

RecComp 4.0: Digital system for quality assurance and traceability in the RECOVERY of recycled thermoplastic materials by COMPOUND

RecComp 4.0 seeks to address the urgent need to establish traceability and process control of the compounding of recycled thermoplastic material in order to ensure a quality equivalent to current original raw materials from fossil sources.

Duration: 2022

materiales termoplásticos

Testing of the European Mindtooth project has started in Burgos

This May, the Polytechnic School of the University of Burgos is hosting the tests of the European Mindtooth project, which aims to measure the psychophysiological state of users at the wheel by achieving a truly "intelligent" and "cooperative" interaction between human actors (car drivers, aeroplane pilots, factory workers) and the devices around them through the use of brain signals.

CEL.IA advances AI transfer with the development of a Toolkit

CEL.IA, the national network created to facilitate the transfer and application of Artificial Intelligence in which five Spanish technology centres participate, advances in its objective of transferring and applying Artificial Intelligence, with the development of a Toolkit that will serve as the technological base of the network

CEL.IA toolkit

AgrarIA. Artificial Intelligence Applied to the Value Chain of Agricultural Production 2050

Research into the entire value chain of agricultural production through systems governed by artificial intelligence, with CO2 reduction, energy sustainability, productivity and competitiveness.

Duration: 2021-2024

AgrarIA inteligencia Artificial

INMERBOT – Research into immersive and sensory technologies for collaborative industrial robotic inspection environments

INMERBOT is an R&D project with a clear scope: To advance knowledge of teleoperation and management of multi-robotic systems in highly immersive environments for inspection and maintenance applications.

Duration: 2021-2024

tecnologías inmersivas

Brain EN – Research in Energy Efficient and Environmentally Sustainable Microgrid Oriented Technologies

Brain EN Consortium is committed to 21st century energy aimed at distributed generation, integrated in microgrids with own generation and self-consumption, with inherent characteristics of sustainability, security, flexibility, cleanliness and efficiency, which must be managed and coordinated with the general grid by means of new intelligent algorithms.

Duration: 2020 - 2023

Microrredes Energéticamente Eficientes

IBERUS – Biomedical Engineering Technology Network applied to degenerative pathologies of the neuromusculoskeletal system in out-of-hospital clinical settings

IBERUS is the name of the Network of Excellence of the 4 Technology Centers (CCTT) that have defined a Strategic Program with the aim of stimulating the Cervera 15 Priority Technology, framed among the technologies for health, both in the research and development activities of the centers themselves and in the business and clinical context

Duration: 2021 - 2023

Tecnológica de Ingeniería Biomédica

Cama UP

Cama UP aims to improve personal autonomy in basic activities of daily living for certain people with functional mobility. The innovative CAMA-UP technological system aims to help certain people in this group to be self-sufficient in these actions, avoiding the help of the main caregiver or third parties for this purpose and promoting their autonomy and personal independence.

Duration: 2020-2022

CEL.IA – cErvera Consortium for the Leadership of R&D in Applied Artificial Intelligence

CEL.IA is a strategic research project in cooperation between several technological centers that aims to join efforts to develop a "Toolkit" or complete offer of solutions based on virtual and augmented reality, artificial vision and natural language processing, to facilitate the effective incorporation of Artificial Intelligence in human-machine interfaces.

Duration: 2021 - 2023

TEEPP – Research in Innovative Technologies for the Optimization of Energy Efficiency in Production Processes

To achieve the optimization of energy efficiency in companies with high consumption in their production processes through industrial research using innovative technologies to study the energy process of the processes, detect and correct anomalies and replan the production process and its products.

Duration: 2021 - 2022

ALMATIC – Definition and development of algorithms for data analysis platform for MAnTenTenTing, Predictive Quality and health problems.

Research of a data analysis platform on which a Smart Data system will be deployed to process general purpose industry information and on which algorithms based on advanced AI techniques will be studied to identify potential problems in the studied sectors of interest.

Duration: September 2021 - September 2022

Simusafe introduces new behavioral models for road users

The international Simusafe project, which is a pioneer in measuring response times and actions that can be altered by fatigue, stress or consumption of certain substances, presented today at its final conference the new behavioral models for road users: car, motor, bicycle, pedestrians. He also unveiled the main lines of an innovative multi-user simulator system that aims to reduce accidents on the world's roads.

Simusafe conference

NeuroCPS4 Maintenance – Neuromorphic Anomaly Detector

NeuroCPS4Maintenance is a project that aims to develop and demonstrate a neuromorphic edge anomaly detector that is robust against conceptual drift, alerts to faults early and provides fast, real-time response for predictive maintenance applications in high-demand industrial scenarios (industrial press). This anomaly detector will be based on deep learning algorithms (LSTM) and implemented on system on chips (SoC).

Duration: March 2021 - 2022

FitDrive – Control Device for Drivers

FitDrive is a project whose purpose is to minimize the risk of accidents through the use of a monitoring device for drivers. The goal of determining fitness to drive is to strike a balance between minimizing driving-related road safety risks to the individual, the community, maintaining the driver's lifestyle and their employment-related mobility independence.

Duration: 2021 - 2024

European Alliance for Clean Hydrogen

ITCL joins the European Alliance for Clean Hydrogen to promote the energy transition This Alliance is the main tool of the European Union to achieve clean energy by 2050 in compliance with the Green Pact The Technological Institute of Castilla y León (ITCL) has...

INUNDATIO – Automation of flood risk modeling in headwaters through Artificial Intelligence and BigData.

INUNDATIO ofrece un modelo de sistema de gestión de avenidas súbitas (flash floods) en cabeceras de cuenca basado en su caracterización hidromorfológica, la toma contínua de datos hidrometeorológicos (lluvia + caudal), la comparación con datos históricos, la simulación de escenarios de riesgo y el análisis de la vulnerabilidad para las vidas humanas y los elementos materiales.

Duración: Octubre 2019 - Abril 2022

interreg sudoe

CAMASMART – Adaptive device to improve the autonomy of people in and out of bed

The CAMASMART project: "Adaptable device for improving the autonomy of people in bed entry and exit" is a cooperative project that aims to develop the methodology that generates the technical specifications of a pre-prototype solution that fits the need detected in the field of dependence, in the access/exit of an ordinary bed, through adaptable devices.

Duration: 6 months


InRoad 4.0 – Intelligent roads for 0 vision (0 fatalities, 0 injuries, 0 traffic jams and 0 emissions)

The project will facilitate the adoption of technological solutions to provide useful information to road users (for safer driving), road concession companies (for better road maintenance and greater resource efficiency), public agencies (for proper decision making in road planning) and emergency bodies (to intervene quickly and safely).

Duration: 2018 - 2022

Inroad 4.0

AIMARS – Artificial Intelligence system for Monitoring, Alert and Response for Security in events

AIMARS aims to demonstrate Europe's First Integrated Security and Surveillance Technology Solution for large gatherings: to provide useful and real-time information to Public and Private Security Forces and Corps, to prevent attacks, crowds, riots and other incidents.

Duration: 2018 - 2022


Fandango – Advanced automotive component manufacturing through reliable and secure digital twins

Fandango is aimed at improving operational efficiency in the automotive components sector by acting on the visibility of information in the supply chain, maximizing product quality and optimizing maintenance processes. It will employ the use of digital twins to detect the occurrence of problems earlier and predict outcomes more accurately than pure simulation models.

Project duration: 2018 - 2022

Productio – Industrial improvement through enabling technologies

Research on various technologies, techniques, tools, methodologies and knowledge aimed at increasing the operational capacity of industrial processes (Overall Equipment Efficiency - OEE) within the framework of the connected industry. The project has enabled the adoption of productive and maintenance solutions in the connected industry by implementing digital security.

Duration: 2016-2020

tecnologias habilitadoras

Ciberfactory – Technology enablers in cyberphysical and virtual environments for the industry of the future

The Technological Enablers project deals with the industrial research of enabling technologies to increase the technological capacity of the ITCL, and its competitiveness in the technological sector that will facilitate us to bring the experiences closer to the regional industrial interests.

Duration: 2019 - 2020


Can serious games help shape behaviour?

Internet safety and bullying are concerning issues today with many people seeking solutions to deal with them. An EU-funded project investigates the effectiveness of one of these solutions – serious games – in supporting behavioural changes in young people. When it...

SV3D – 3D security and video surveillance systems based on videogrametry.

Development of an online 3D content generation system based on videogrammetry and focused on the security sector, which automatically models objects and environments in three dimensions with the only resource of a video recording, and allows modeling both static and dynamic objects and spaces through recordings.

Duration: 2018 - 2021

PigAdvisor – Virtual Farm Advisor

Modern animal production involves the generation of a massive amount of data or Big Data that requires more complex and comprehensive management systems to optimize the use of the data. This high volume of data requires new large-scale storage techniques and different approaches to retrieve the information.

Duration: 2018 - 2020

Working Age – Smart Working environments for all Ages

WorkingAge will use innovative HCI methods (augmented reality, virtual reality, gesture / voice recognition and eye tracking) to measure the emotional / cognitive / health status of the user and create communication paths. At the same time, with the use of IoT, sensors will be able to detect environmental conditions. The goal is to promote healthy habits of users in their work environment and daily life activities to improve their working and living conditions.

Duration: 2019 - 2021

ProefiAIRE – Development of tools for the control and improvement of the energy efficiency of vacuum and compressed air production systems.

The project has conducted research on the monitoring and intelligent control of the energy efficiency of vacuum and compressed air installations, key in the industrial sector to reduce inefficiencies in the use of this equipment.

Duration: 2018 - 2021

Ciber4gr0 – Cybersecurity in the agro-food industry

The objective of the Cyber4gr.0 project is to conduct a technical feasibility study to analyze the application of the Cybersecurity Seal in the field of Industry 4.0 in general and in the Agri-Food industry in particular, as well as the feasibility study of granting the Seal in digital mode using BlockChain technology to ensure its free consultation, as well as its inviolability and immutability.

Duration: 2018 - 2019