ITCL joins the European Alliance for Clean Hydrogen to promote the energy transition

This Alliance is the main tool of the European Union to achieve clean energy by 2050 in compliance with the Green Pact

The Technological Institute of Castilla y León (ITCL) has formalized its adhesion to the European Clean Hydrogen Alliance, an initiative promoted by the European Union in which more than 500 scientific associations, companies and European institutions participate with in order to make this element the key to the energy transition.

The European Alliance for Clean Hydrogen has established itself as the great commitment of the European Union to promote the use of hydrogen in industry, logistics and mobility to build a more sustainable ecosystem in which all the agents involved promote an energy transition towards a clean and more sustainable energy, achieving the decarbonization of energy processes in 2050.

For the European Union, hydrogen is essential to achieve the objectives of the Green Pact, a roadmap established to achieve climate neutrality by 2050 through investments in environmentally friendly technologies, support for innovative industry, and the promotion of sustainable transportation, the removal of coal from the energy sector, and the drive for more efficient construction. The ultimate goal of this program is to facilitate the start-up of technologies based on this element by 2030 and to pave the way towards the total elimination of coal in Europe by 2050. Investment cycles in the clean energy sector encompass cycles of 25 years, so the European Union wants to act now, working on the creation of an investment portfolio that involves all its partners.

Hydrogen allows to store renewable energy, favors sustainable mobility and is respectful with the environment by not emitting carbon dioxide. Its use, therefore, would avoid having to continue using coal in industrial processes and other economic sectors, thus reducing carbon emissions, an urgent need.