Management System

ITCL Technology Centre Quality Policy

The Fundación Instituto Tecnológico de Castilla y León (ITCL Technological Centre) develops advanced technologies adapted to the needs of organizations to make them more competitive, developing R+D+I projects in different knowledge areas, mainly: Industrial Electronics, Artificial Intelligence, Virtual and Augmented Reality, Intelligent Artificial Perception Systems, Applications and Firmware, Energy Efficiency, Industrial ICTs and New Mobility.

The commitment of ITCL Centro Tecnológico is to have a quality management system based on the UNE-EN ISO 9001 standard, and to comply with the applicable requirements, promoting continuous improvement in its activities, and all of this in line with corporate values:

  • Customer orientation.
  • Open innovation, seeking to add value, with clients, collaborative networking.
  • Commitment to technology, researching to find innovative solutions to the challenges we face.
  • Ethics and transparency to ensure trust and credibility in our actions. 
  • People development
  • Social and environmental commitment