Some of our Success Stories
“It seems the harder I work, the more luck I have (Thomas Jefferson)
Infonorte – Dynamic inductive and hydrogen charging based on renewable sources
Sector: Road Mobility Location: Valladolid
A technological solution based on the development of an electric vehicle charging system using hydrogen from renewable sources. The system features dynamic inductive charging on the road, allowing for in-motion charging of electric vehicles, especially heavy goods vehicles.
MONDENEL – Development of commercial device for eye health.
Technological solution capable of preventing or controlling Dry Eye disease by parameterizing the user's environment, taking care of screen exposure times and performing ocular gymnastics.
Gonvarri – First level maintenance app
Sector: Metal. Location: Burgos
Development of an app for Tablet that helps plant operators in first level maintenance tasks.
Mahou San Miguel – Energy savings in industrial refrigeration production
Reduction of electricity consumption for the production of cold, as well as indirect CO2 emissions, at Mahou San Miguel's Burgos plant, through the installation of an Expert Supervision and Control System, which dynamically modifies the installation's setpoints, finding the optimum operating point at all times.
Capital Energy – CER Renewable Energy Power Plants
Video demonstration of energy management in a wind and photovoltaic farm. Visualisation of energy flows, storage and distribution. RENEWABLE ENERGY | CLEAN ENERGY | VIDEO CGI | REAL TIME RENDERING | 3D MODELSINDUSTRIAL STARTING POINT Capital Energy, a leader in...
FAE Francisco Albero S.A.U. – Production time optimization system using motion study and a collaborative robot.
Technological solution capable of speeding up the working times of an industrial plant by means of motion study and a collaborative robot. ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE | BIG DATA | COLABORATIVE ROBOT | MOTION STUDYINDUSTRIAL STARTING POINT The project arise from the...
Wedge Global – Cyber-physical system for data collection buoy operation
Development of a cyber-physical system (CPS) that allows the integration and operation of an industrial-scale wave energy harvesting buoy. The system includes optimization algorithms, control and transmission of commands and data based on machine learning, parametric models and dynamic systems.