Neuromorfico EG – Neuromorphic systems for processing in EdGe Computing
The project experiments on new neuromorphic systems for processing in Edge Computing, through specific technological developments for general application in industrial environments, capital goods, and in cybersecurity, in Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS).
Research in hardware architectures,
Neuron-based algorithms for dynamic series processing,
Hardware designs,
Algorithm designs performed in classical computing,
Transformation of the algorithms to neuromorphic computing,
Deployment of a complete neuromorphic hardware system for processing in Egde Computing (EC).
The project will also incorporate the optimization of data transmission. All this, implemented on hardware architectures that optimize performance and allow the implementation of networks of a high number of neurons.
Neuromorphic Technology | Embedded Software | Neuromorphic Hardware | Edge Computing | SoC | Cybersecurity | Artificial Intelligence | Industry 4.0
Project Description:
The project will design and implement a mixed analog-digital neural engine, based on an innovative architecture, and a hardware platform based on SoC (System-on-a-Chip ) for large-scale Artificial Neural Networks (ANN). The implementation of the algorithms will be developed on digital systems operating in Edge Computing.
Problem they aim to solve:
Manufacturing and industrial companies that use capital equipment currently lack intelligent and safe tools based on neuromorphic hardware, which could solve many performance control problems in real time, and with a high level of accuracy. Neuromorphic technology can solve accurate machine parameter control problems that currently hinder the development of advanced predictive maintenance systems. If this technology is developed and tested experimentally in industrial environments incorporating the necessary cybersecurity in hardware and impacted systems, we can consider in the future the incorporation of this type of neuromorphic systems as a valid and secure technology not only in intelligent manufacturing environments, but also in other sectors.
Project Resolution Objectives:
To obtain advanced enabling technology solutions for Industry 4.0, which are based on neuromorphic systems and edge computing at industrial level, both for operation control of capital goods and industrial machinery, as well as for devices in other non-industrial environments of high demand, such as those used in health environments.
Project Duration:
2020 – 2022
Individial Project funded by:

Contact person:
Javier Sedano, R&D Manager at ITCL – javier.sedano@itcl.es
Proyectos relacionados:
It is a project funded by the Junta de Castilla y León, through the ICE JCYL grant program for the implementation of R & D projects of regional interest aimed at excellence and competitive improvement of the Technology Centers of Castilla y León co-financed with ERDF 2014 – 2020.