by Natalia Diez | Jul 19, 2024 | "Electronics and Artificial Intelligence" projects, Deep learning and Artificial Intelligence, European projects
European AI4CI Master Artificial Intelligence for Connected Industries The AI4CI master is a European master opened at Conservatoire national des arts et métiers (Cnam), Paris downtown, France, as well as at partner universities in Germany, Romania, Spain, Ukraine....
by Natalia Diez | Apr 12, 2024 | "Simulation and Virtual reality" projects, European projects, Health technologies
AI4HOPE – Artificial Intelligence based health, optimism, purpose and endurance in palliative care for dementia Dementia is caused by a range of illnesses and disorders that damage the brain either directly or indirectly. With the rise of the ageing population...
by ITCL | Feb 1, 2024 | "Energy Technologies" Projects, Deep learning and Artificial Intelligence, European projects
Sudoe Hospital 4.0 – Intelligent Energy Management in Hospitals SUDOE HOSPITAL 4.0, Intelligent energy management in hospital is key to reducing energy costs and emissions. This project fovuses on advanced tools and strategies for achieving near-zero energy...
by ITCL | Nov 21, 2023 | "Simulation and Virtual reality" projects, European projects
Mindtooth – Wearable Device for Brain Signal Decoding MINDTOOTH, wearable device for brain signal decoding revolutionizes human-machine interaction by using neurometrics to create intelligent and cooperative systems. This innovation enhances precision and safety...
by Natalia Diez | Nov 21, 2023 | "Simulation and Virtual reality" projects, European projects
PEIVPRO – Virtual Reality Training Modules PEIVPRO, Virtual Training Modules are transforming vocatioal education by providing immersive experiences that bridge the gap between training and real-world application. PEIVPRO uses adavnced VR technology to offer...
by ITCL | May 30, 2023 | "Simulation and Virtual reality" projects, European projects, Health technologies
PREVENT – Prevent Cancer by Managing Childhood Obesity PREVENT, the primary prevention o cancer through childhood obesity management, by addressing chiildhood obesity, the project aims to significantly reduce cancer risks in adulthood throughn innovate...