“Wise men speak because they have something to say; Fools because they have to say something” (Plato)
BIOTECARE – Data-Driven Technological Advancement for the Optimization of Biotechnological, Healthcare, and Care Processes
The project aims to drive research and development of innovative solutions based on data science, AI, and Deep Learning to enhance the integration of medicine with these technologies. This will improve how diseases are diagnosed, treated, and prevented, as well as optimize overall healthcare management and patient experience.
Duration: 2024 - 2026
QuantumCrip – Research on the Ambivalence of Quantum Computing for Solving Optimization Problems and Post-Quantum Encryption
Project Description: The QuantumCrip project encompasses two major lines of research and development. The first focuses on exploring quantum computing algorithms and applications, including their execution on both quantum computers and simulators. The second line...
AGROTECYL – Sustainable, autonomous, and intelligent fertigation system for crop irrigation.
Project Description: The AGROTECYL project focuses on the research and development of a sustainable and autonomous fertigation system for crops, based on artificial intelligence. This system will be capable of predicting the irrigation and fertilization needs of...
SuN4Med – Development of Biodegradable and Antimicrobial Food Packaging
Sustainable and Innovative Food Packaging Based on Agro-Industrial By-Products and Natural Antimicrobials from the Mediterranean Area.
Duration: 2024-2026
RAY-DEEP Cosmic Ray Detection using Deep Learning
Experiment based on the detection of cosmic rays, focused on muons, photons, and electrons, through image classification using Deep Learning techniques.
Duration: 2023
ALTIUMCAT – Optimal system for measuring the displacement of the catenary wire to the pantograph
Optical solutions, profilometric sensors, and ToF sensors will improve accuracy and reduce issues in railway maintenance.
ECENOVA – Ecosystem for Innovative Energy Communities
The creation of an ecosystem that facilitates energy exchange between prosumers, using energy communities as a means to efficiently and sustainably manage the production, storage, and distribution of renewable energy.
Duration: 2024-2025
EIFEDE Ecosystem – Boosting Energy with AI and Data
The main objective of the EIFEDE Group is to promote a conducive environment for business innovation, focusing on the development and implementation of enabling technologies within the energy sector.
Duration: 2024-2025
Syltec – Biomass systems maintenance operations training simulator
Sector: Engineering and technological consultancy. Location: Valladolid
Solution based on the development of a simulator for industrial maintenance that through virtual reality allows the training and evaluation of workers in maintenance operations of biomass systems.
European AI4CI Master Artificial Intelligence for Connected Industries
The AI4CI project aims to support European educational institutions in creating a program focused on the application of Artificial Intelligence to Connected Industries.
Infonorte – Dynamic inductive and hydrogen charging based on renewable sources
Sector: Road Mobility Location: Valladolid
A technological solution based on the development of an electric vehicle charging system using hydrogen from renewable sources. The system features dynamic inductive charging on the road, allowing for in-motion charging of electric vehicles, especially heavy goods vehicles.
MONDENEL – Development of commercial device for eye health.
Technological solution capable of preventing or controlling Dry Eye disease by parameterizing the user's environment, taking care of screen exposure times and performing ocular gymnastics.
SOFIA – Enhancing Productivity in the Software Development Industry through the Use of Reliable AI
Research in an ecosystem of applications to enhance productivity in the software development industry through intensive use of reliable AI throughout its lifecycle
Duration: 2024-2026
NAVANTWING – Research on technologies for digital twinning and exploitation in the naval sector.
Naval digital transformation utilizes digital twins and virtual models that enhance efficiency and competitiveness. Despite technological challenges, it is crucial to advance in their implementation to integrate information and overcome limitations.
Duration: April 2023 – June 2025
ALIMTECH – Research, development, and implementation of cross-cutting technological solutions for the agri-food sector
ALIMTECH seeks innovative solutions for global agri-food challenges, prioritizing sustainability and competitiveness through the collaboration of 16 companies.
Duration: 2023-2025
HosmartAI: AI-based Appointment Scheduling
AI-based appointment scheduling is transforming healthcare logistics by increasing patient and healthcare professional satisfaction. HosmartAI addresses hospital appointment management challenges, optimizing the scheduling process trhought advanced artificial...
AI4HOPE – Artificial Intelligence based health, optimism, purpose and endurance in palliative care for dementia
AI4HOPE focuses on implementing an Advanced Care Planning System for dementia patients and caregivers, integrating emotion regulation and pain management with AI models to improve care while recognizing dementia as a life-limiting disease.
Duration: 2024-2027
Intelligent cybersecurity countermeasures for the network of the future – CICERO
Development of information processing systems to identify and reduce system and network vulnerabilities, based on the application of signal and data security technologies.
Duration 2023-2025
SHAREDH2 SUDOE. Renewable Hydrogen: A Solution for Flexible and Distributed Energy Storage in CELs
Promote and validate the use of renewable hydrogen as a flexible and distributed energy storage solution in CEL and other shared uses as an alternative to boost strategic rural areas.
Duration: January 2024 - December 2026
Sudoe Hospital 4.0 – Intelligent Energy Management in Hospitals
Hospitals are buildings of continuous use, which have very specific air conditioning requirements in their different spaces and are conditioned to a climatological evolution characteristic of the Sudoe territory. Inefficient management or their inadequacy lead to incensive costs, avoidable emissions and inefficiency of public investment in their construction and maintenance.
Duration: October 2019 - March 2022
RecExpert 4.0: Expert System for Injection Moulding Quality
RecExpert 4.0, the expert system for injection moulding ensures quality in recycled thermoplastics. The project levrages Industry 4.0 technologies to enhance sustainability and process control.The RecExpert 4.0 project aims to respond to the technological need to...
ITCL and Arcelik Global take steps in the AI4LABOUR by sharing knowledge and adding talent
During 2023, ITCL hosted two employees from the Turkish multinational Arçelik Global, who will work collaboratively for the European Marie Skłodowska-Curie AI4LABOUR project. A journey that for the two employees, originally from the Turkish country, they valued as “extremely positive” in terms of implementing common ideas and that also allowed them to “test the project survey” being the first company in the world to do it.
Mindtooth – Wearable Device for Brain Signal Decoding
Mindtooth will enable truly "intelligent" and "cooperative" interaction between human actors (e.g., car drivers, airplane pilots, factory workers) and the devices around them through the use of brain signals.
Duration: 2020 - 2022
PEIVPRO – Virtual Reality Training Modules
Facilitate the integration of students into the professional world by confronting them with real professional situations through the use of virtual immersion.
Duration: 2023 - 2025
School of Empathy, a game to combat bulling
ITCL has recently launched a video game that seeks to combat bullying. In this way, the aim is to answer questions such as what to do in a bullying situation or how we can correct this type of situation. A 'serious game' developed from Burgos with the aim of fighting against bullying and that allows the player to acquire responsible behavior to avoid bullying situations in the school environment.
Sofía Vallecorsa CERN: “The role of the private sector in the field of quantum computing is very relevant with an ecosystem of companies that are already looking towards it”
Talking about quantum computing at the European level is talking about CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research. From her laboratories, Sofía Vallecorsa has been working for years on the analysis and potential of quantum computing. From the Franco-Swiss border, Vallecorsa leads the study of the Quantum Technology Initiative, dedicated to investigating the impact of quantum technologies (computing, detection and communication) in the field of High Energy Physics.
ESPADIN- Optimizing Data Spaces in Industry
Collaborative technological impulse dedicated to bringing the sharing and exploitation of the value of data to industrial practice under the paradigm of the denominated shared data spaces, working on the quality, availability and reliability of the data. Industrial research in these three areas will provide lines of work that promote trust and security, fundamental for the progress of the aforementioned paradigm, in terms of solving cross-cutting and strategic challenges of Spanish industry.
Duration: 2022-2024
SecBluRed- Cybersecurity for Industrial IoT Systems
SecBluRed - Holistic approach to cybersecurity in the Industrial IoT, proposes several lines of research within the development of cybersecurity capabilities focused on productive, operational and logistical activities in the industrial environment that offer the necessary protection to the connected industry.
Duration: 2022-2025
Invecpro – Research for a new generation of professional electric vehicle.
Industrial Research and transversal for a new generation of professional electric vehicle of high value added.
Duration: 2022- 2025
iMERMAID will improve the quality of Mediterranean waters from Burgos
Burgos hosted the first meeting of the European project Imermaid, in which ITCL Technology Center participates, and which seeks to incorporate advanced technological solutions that contribute to improving the environmental situation of the Mediterranean. An important project promoted by the Horizon Europe program of the European Union with a duration of 36 months and about 9 million euros that was born to address the problem of chemical pollution in the Mediterranean from profitable and sustainable solutions.
PREVENT – Prevent Cancer by Managing Childhood Obesity
PREVENT enhances the scale-up of primary interventions for weight control during childhood and adolescence to reduce cancer risks in adulthood
Duration: 2023-2027
iMERMAID – Innovative solutions for Mediterranean Ecosystem Remediation
iMERMAID will empower the efforts to create a zero pollution,
contaminant free waters by enabling the Chemical Strategy's goals to become a practical reality
Duration: 2023-2026
FitDrive to be presented on 3 May at the European Parliament
The European Project FitDrive, in which ITCL participates, will be presented on 3 May at the European Parliament at a working day in which the partners of an important project that seeks to minimise driving risks in professional drivers. The meeting will take place in Brussels, promoted by the European Federation of Driving Schools (EFA).
DIGIS3 – Smart Digital Transformation for SMEs
Smart, Sustainable and coheSive Digitalization conceived as a Digital Innovation Hub
Duration: 2023-2025
HosmartAI – Intelligent Hospital Development
The HosmartAI project will create a common open integration platform, with the necessary tools to facilitate and measure the benefits of integrating digital technologies (robotics and AI) into the healthcare system.
Several large-scale pilot projects will make it possible to evaluate the various improvements in several hospital environments:
Medical diagnosis, surgical interventions, disease prevention and treatment, rehabilitation support and long-term care.
Duration: 2021 - 2024
Agora – Smart Building Energy Management Solutions
To bring to the market a holistic smart solution capable of promoting a more sustainable energy and water consumption from producer to final consumer
Duration: 2022-2025
Powercrete – New concrete battery in form of urban road section for photovoltaic energy storage into the smart city environment
New concrete battery in form of urban road section for photovoltaic energy storage into the smart city environment
Duration: 2022-2025
The European Commission highlights the importance of FitDrive and SimuSafe to improve transport and its safety
The European Commission highlights the importance of FitDrive and SimuSafe to improve transport and its safety
iPROHAB – AI-Driven Supply Procedd Optimiz
Research into the use of RPA systems for reading and downloading information, as well as the use of Blockchain technology, to provide the information obtained with veracity and immutability. Through the use of artificial intelligence, companies in the value chain will be redirected to the optimal profile.
Duration: 8 months (2022-2023)
Licitia – Intelligent tender management platform
Aims to develop a collaborative way of a first non-marketable prototype, but susceptible to testing in real environments, of an intelligent tender management platform, which can increase the competitiveness of companies in Castila and León.
Duration: 6 months (2020)
HECATE- Integral Distributed Control System (IDCS)
Design and development of a new Integrated Distributed Control System (IDCS) based on disruptive technology: Big Data tools for data collection, artificial intelligence for event and anomaly prediction, and Blockchain to maximize data security.
Duration: 2022-2023
SMART NOC – Intelligent Network Control Management
SMART NOC focuses con integrating cutting-edge digital technologies to enhance the efficiency and security of network control centers. Intelligent network control center management is essential for modern communication networl operations.What is SMART NOC? This...
KAIROS – Intelligent Manufacturing for Naval Composites
Research in cutting-edge composite manufacturing technologies, Industry 4.0 and Digital Twin aimed at developing a solution for the efficient manufacturing of large composite parts for the shipbuilding sector, with a high degree of automation, as well as quality and cost optimisation.
Duration: October 2021-September 2025
Gonvarri – First level maintenance app
Sector: Metal. Location: Burgos
Development of an app for Tablet that helps plant operators in first level maintenance tasks.
RecComp 4.0: Blockchain for Recycled Plastics Quality Assurance
RecComp 4.0 seeks to address the urgent need to establish traceability and process control of the compounding of recycled thermoplastic material in order to ensure a quality equivalent to current original raw materials from fossil sources.
Duration: 2022
Mahou San Miguel – Energy savings in industrial refrigeration production
Reduction of electricity consumption for the production of cold, as well as indirect CO2 emissions, at Mahou San Miguel's Burgos plant, through the installation of an Expert Supervision and Control System, which dynamically modifies the installation's setpoints, finding the optimum operating point at all times.
Testing of the European Mindtooth project has started in Burgos
This May, the Polytechnic School of the University of Burgos is hosting the tests of the European Mindtooth project, which aims to measure the psychophysiological state of users at the wheel by achieving a truly "intelligent" and "cooperative" interaction between human actors (car drivers, aeroplane pilots, factory workers) and the devices around them through the use of brain signals.
CEL.IA advances AI transfer with the development of a Toolkit
CEL.IA, the national network created to facilitate the transfer and application of Artificial Intelligence in which five Spanish technology centres participate, advances in its objective of transferring and applying Artificial Intelligence, with the development of a Toolkit that will serve as the technological base of the network
Capital Energy – CER Renewable Energy Power Plants
Video demonstration of energy management in a wind and photovoltaic farm. Visualisation of energy flows, storage and distribution. RENEWABLE ENERGY | CLEAN ENERGY | VIDEO CGI | REAL TIME RENDERING | 3D MODELSINDUSTRIAL STARTING POINT Capital Energy, a leader in...
VIRTUALIZA – Virtual Training Platform for SME´s
Virtualiza arose from the need to offer more personalised training to users with certain dependencies or functional limitations, such as the elderly and people in vulnerable situations in general
Duration: 2021-2022
HosmartAI launches its first Open Call “INNOVATE Call for Tech”
HosmartAI first opencall – INNOVATE – is here!
Calling for Startups/SMEs developing AI powered technology (but not limited to).
AgrarIA – AI in Agriculture: Enhancing Production Efficiency
Research into the entire value chain of agricultural production through systems governed by artificial intelligence, with CO2 reduction, energy sustainability, productivity and competitiveness.
Duration: 2021-2024
TWINRAIL – Railway Maintenance 4.0 Based on the Virtual Connection of Mobile Sensors
This project aims to develop an algorithm capable of determining the degree of ballast deterioration during the tamping process, facilitating the identification of areas where ballast should be replaced without additional costs beyond routine maintenance.
Duration: 2021-2023
FAE Francisco Albero S.A.U. – Production time optimization system using motion study and a collaborative robot.
Technological solution capable of speeding up the working times of an industrial plant by means of motion study and a collaborative robot. ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE | BIG DATA | COLABORATIVE ROBOT | MOTION STUDYINDUSTRIAL STARTING POINT The project arise from the...
INMERBOT – Immersive Robotic Inspection Tech
INMERBOT is an R&D project with a clear scope: To advance knowledge of teleoperation and management of multi-robotic systems in highly immersive environments for inspection and maintenance applications.
Duration: 2021-2024
Cardhin – Dynamic Inductive Charging for EVs
Development of an electric vehicle recharging system using hydrogen based on renewable sources.
Duration: 2020-2023
Brain EN – Energy Efficient Microgrid Technologies
Brain EN Consortium is committed to 21st century energy aimed at distributed generation, integrated in microgrids with own generation and self-consumption, with inherent characteristics of sustainability, security, flexibility, cleanliness and efficiency, which must be managed and coordinated with the general grid by means of new intelligent algorithms.
Duration: 2020 - 2023
TRIAGE SMART DECISION – AI Based COVID Triage System for Hospitals
Carrying out prior triage in hospital emergency services, through artificial intelligence techniques, carrying out the first screening and differentiation of COVID or non-COVID users.
Duration: 2021 - 2023
FitDrive project kick-off meeting
The objective of FITDrive is to reduce traffic accidents by early identification of driving impairments, focusing on professional drivers
IBERUS – Biomedical Tech for NMS Degeneratice Pathologies
IBERUS is the name of the Network of Excellence of the 4 Technology Centers (CCTT) that have defined a Strategic Program with the aim of stimulating the Cervera 15 Priority Technology, framed among the technologies for health, both in the research and development activities of the centers themselves and in the business and clinical context
Duration: 2021 - 2023
Adisseo – Intelligent industrial intralogistics management system
Software development for the planning and integration of hardware devices and IoT sensors for the control of access and movement of cargo vehicles and people in the plant.
Aduriz Energía – Explotation and decision support system for energy purchasing based on Big Data
Technological solution capable of analyzing the necessary data from the energy market and forecasting energy demand, providing a support system for decision making and, in this way, adapting to new market niches and increasing its competitiveness.
Wedge Global – Cyber-physical system for data collection buoy operation
Development of a cyber-physical system (CPS) that allows the integration and operation of an industrial-scale wave energy harvesting buoy. The system includes optimization algorithms, control and transmission of commands and data based on machine learning, parametric models and dynamic systems.
Cama UP – Tech fot Enhanced Personal Mobility
Cama UP aims to improve personal autonomy in basic activities of daily living for certain people with functional mobility. The innovative CAMA-UP technological system aims to help certain people in this group to be self-sufficient in these actions, avoiding the help of the main caregiver or third parties for this purpose and promoting their autonomy and personal independence.
Duration: 2020-2022
INN-MEDICAL – Innovative Medical Response to Pandemics
This project was born out of the terrible impact caused by the COVID19 pandemic and aims to promote a leading Spanish national industry in the field of medical equipment.
Duration: 2020 - 2024
CEL.IA – Advanced AI Solutions for Human-Machine Interfaces
CEL.IA is a strategic research project in cooperation between several technological centers that aims to join efforts to develop a "Toolkit" or complete offer of solutions based on virtual and augmented reality, artificial vision and natural language processing, to facilitate the effective incorporation of Artificial Intelligence in human-machine interfaces.
Duration: 2021 - 2023
ITCL and SIMUMAK join forces to work on new driving simulators
SIMUMAK will count with ITCL as a preferred technology partner for its technical collaboration needs and R&D&I projects. The collaboration seeks to promote developments in simulation, virtual reality and procedural scenarios, contributing to the improvement of road safety and occupational risk prevention.
ERAES R2B – Efficient Solution for Rural Depopulation
ERAES R2B revitalizes rural areas by creating autonomous and sustainable spaces, improving energy efficiency, and promoting local economic development.Advanced methodology for defining the complete preliminary design of ERAES ready to business and demonstrative...
Share4business – How to manage Carsharing fleets efficiently?
Development of a system that allows smart vehicle fleets to be managed and users interact with the service through a mobile application.
Duration: 2018-2019
PROSUMES – Intelligent Optimization of Energy Networks
Development of an integrated and intelligent energy management system, covering everything from measurement to efficient energy management and transactions, which can be implemented locally in neighborhoods, industrial areas, groups, or collectives of buildings, etc., that have renewable energy sources and are interested in engaging in shared self-consumption of this renewable energy generation.
Duration: 2021 - 2022
TEEPP – Research in Innovative Technologies for the Optimization of Energy Efficiency in Production Processes
To achieve the optimization of energy efficiency in companies with high consumption in their production processes through industrial research using innovative technologies to study the energy process of the processes, detect and correct anomalies and replan the production process and its products.
Duration: 2021 - 2022
ALMATIC – Definition and development of algorithms for data analysis platform for MAnTenTenTing, Predictive Quality and health problems.
Research of a data analysis platform on which a Smart Data system will be deployed to process general purpose industry information and on which algorithms based on advanced AI techniques will be studied to identify potential problems in the studied sectors of interest.
Duration: September 2021 - September 2022
Simusafe introduces new behavioral models for road users
The international Simusafe project, which is a pioneer in measuring response times and actions that can be altered by fatigue, stress or consumption of certain substances, presented today at its final conference the new behavioral models for road users: car, motor, bicycle, pedestrians. He also unveiled the main lines of an innovative multi-user simulator system that aims to reduce accidents on the world's roads.
CIBERTRAZ – Cyber-Physical Systems for Maintenance Traceability
CIBERTRAZ, Cyber-Physical Systems for maintenance traceability are transforming how data integrity is maintained in service environments. The CIBERTRAZ project combines Blockchain, IoT, and Big Data to enhance data trust and optimize maintenance processes.In the...
WELLSA – Technologies for Elderly Health Care
Development of technologies in chronic and elderly health services.
Ready Twin – Innovative Digital Twins Solutions
Research on different technologies, techniques, tools, methodologies and knowledge aimed at developing innovative technological solutions for the generation and exploitation of Digital Twins.
Duration: July 2019 - June 2023
NeuroCPS4 Maintenance – Neuromorphic Anomaly Detector
NeuroCPS4Maintenance is a project that aims to develop and demonstrate a neuromorphic edge anomaly detector that is robust against conceptual drift, alerts to faults early and provides fast, real-time response for predictive maintenance applications in high-demand industrial scenarios (industrial press). This anomaly detector will be based on deep learning algorithms (LSTM) and implemented on system on chips (SoC).
Duration: March 2021 - 2022
Innovation Radar values ITCL’s work on the Working Age project
The European Commission's prestigious Innovation Radar has published the innovation that ITCL has developed in the Working Age project by qualifying it with one of the highest grades. Specifically, the market potential of including innovative methods to measure users' health and emotional status has been evaluated with a high score.
ARADOS – Collaborative Platform for Rural Areas
ARADOS - Collaborative Platform for Friendly and Supportive Rural Areas - European Project The main objective of the ARADOS: Collaborative Platform for Friendly and Supportive Rural Areas project is to develop a new pilot system that allows the integration...
ITCL, Intigia and Dihbu start their project NeuroCPS4Maintenance, on new intelligent sensors for industrial maintenance
ITCL, Intigia and Dihbu start their project NeuroCPS4Maintenance, on new intelligent sensors for industrial maintenance
CYBERSEC – IT Security in Emerging Technologies
The CYBERSEC project researches in various technologies, techniques, tools, methodologies and knowledge aimed at developing technological solutions for the securitization against cyber-attacks of highly critical connected environments, such as Industry 4.0, Smart Cities or Critical Infrastructures.
Duration: 2020 - 2024
Al4Labour – AI in Workforce Restructuring: Future Job Skills
Technologies based on data processing are changing not only manufacturing standards, but also people's daily lives. This can ensure concentration on more strategic or more analytical work.
Duration: 48 months
FitDrive – Control Device for Drivers
FitDrive is a project whose purpose is to minimize the risk of accidents through the use of a monitoring device for drivers. The goal of determining fitness to drive is to strike a balance between minimizing driving-related road safety risks to the individual, the community, maintaining the driver's lifestyle and their employment-related mobility independence.
Duration: 2021 - 2024
Smart Contract Data – Optimizing Construction Contracts
The Smart Contract Data system revolutionizes contract management in the construction sector by leveraging BigData and Artificial Intelligence. This innovative project aims to enhance efficiency and competitiveness through personalized decision-support tools....
TELEBOT VR – Remote Robot Control via Virtual Reality
Telebot - VR aims to narrow the sensory distances an operator encounters when controlling a robot remotely through simulation and virtual reality interfaces, and to promote vision and control over robotic systems and joints.
Duration September 2020 - December 2022
Neuromorfico EG – Neuromorphic systems for processing in EdGe Computing
The project experiments on new neuromorphic systems for processing in Edge Computing, through concrete technological developments for general application in industrial environments, capital goods, and in cybersecurity, in Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS).
Duration: 2021 - 2023
REDALSA – Rail Defect Detection Software for Enhanced Safety
Development of software for the detection and analysis of surface defects on the rail and measurement of their wear.
Duration: 2020-2021
European Alliance for Clean Hydrogen
ITCL joins the European Alliance for Clean Hydrogen to promote the energy transition This Alliance is the main tool of the European Union to achieve clean energy by 2050 in compliance with the Green Pact The Technological Institute of Castilla y León (ITCL) has...
Grupo Antolin partners with ITCL to train its new electronic engineers
The young people will work on electronic projects of the company, while receiving training from ITCL and Grupo Antolin professionals
ITCL Technology Centre will present SIMUSAFE, the new Simulator for Behaviour and Road Safety Studies, in DSC 2020 EUROPE
ITCL Technology Centre will present SIMUSAFE, the new Simulator for Behaviour and Road Safety Studies, in DSC 2020 EUROPE and will offer in premiere several technology demonstration sessions
INUNDATIO – Flood Risk Modeling with AI and BigData.
INUNDATIO ofrece un modelo de sistema de gestión de avenidas súbitas (flash floods) en cabeceras de cuenca basado en su caracterización hidromorfológica, la toma contínua de datos hidrometeorológicos (lluvia + caudal), la comparación con datos históricos, la simulación de escenarios de riesgo y el análisis de la vulnerabilidad para las vidas humanas y los elementos materiales.
Duración: Octubre 2019 - Abril 2022
ERAES – Autonomous Rural Spaces for Sustainable Energy
Revitalize the rural areas of Castilla y León with potential for territorial development through endogenous resources.
Duration: 2020
CAMASMART – Adaptive device to improve the autonomy of people in and out of bed
The CAMASMART project: "Adaptable device for improving the autonomy of people in bed entry and exit" is a cooperative project that aims to develop the methodology that generates the technical specifications of a pre-prototype solution that fits the need detected in the field of dependence, in the access/exit of an ordinary bed, through adaptable devices.
Duration: 6 months
Computer vision system to reliably and accurately detect the joints of people in their workplace
ITCL Technology Center Simulation and Intelligent Perception Technologies team is leading the European WorkingAge Project that is developing a computer vision system to reliably and accurately detect the joints of people in their workplace. This system allows to...
Inundatio project of early warning of sudden avenues in the headwaters of river basins
ITCL Technology Center participated this morning in the launch meeting of the Interreg Sudoe Inundatio project. A novel project in which ITCL participates as a beneficiary together with the Santa María la Real Foundation of Historical Heritage and which seeks to...
Advanced Program in industrial operations management
Fecha de Inicio: 18 de octubre de 2019 hasta el 29 de mayo de 2020 Horario: Viernes por la tarde de 15 a 20 horas Duración: 120 horas presenciales Lugar: INSTITUTO TECNOLÓGICO DE CASTILLA Y LEÓN C/López Bravo, 70 Polígono Industrial de Villalonquéjar 09001 –...
InRoad 4.0 – Intelligent Roads for Vision Zero
The project will facilitate the adoption of technological solutions to provide useful information to road users (for safer driving), road concession companies (for better road maintenance and greater resource efficiency), public agencies (for proper decision making in road planning) and emergency bodies (to intervene quickly and safely).
Duration: 2018 - 2022
AIMARS – AI Event Security System
AIMARS aims to demonstrate Europe's First Integrated Security and Surveillance Technology Solution for large gatherings: to provide useful and real-time information to Public and Private Security Forces and Corps, to prevent attacks, crowds, riots and other incidents.
Duration: 2018 - 2022
Fandango – Digital Twin in Automotive Manufacturing
Fandango is aimed at improving operational efficiency in the automotive components sector by acting on the visibility of information in the supply chain, maximizing product quality and optimizing maintenance processes. It will employ the use of digital twins to detect the occurrence of problems earlier and predict outcomes more accurately than pure simulation models.
Project duration: 2018 - 2022