by Natalia Diez | Apr 12, 2024 | "Simulation and Virtual reality" projects, European projects, Health technologies
AI4HOPE – Artificial Intelligence based health, optimism, purpose and endurance in palliative care for dementia Dementia is caused by a range of illnesses and disorders that damage the brain either directly or indirectly. With the rise of the ageing population...
by ITCL | May 30, 2023 | "Simulation and Virtual reality" projects, European projects, Health technologies
PREVENT – Prevent Cancer by Managing Childhood Obesity PREVENT, the primary prevention o cancer through childhood obesity management, by addressing chiildhood obesity, the project aims to significantly reduce cancer risks in adulthood throughn innovate...
by ITCL | Mar 15, 2023 | "Electronics and Artificial Intelligence" projects, Computer vision. Projects, Deep learning and Artificial Intelligence, European projects, Health technologies
HosmartAI – Intelligent Hospital Development HOSMARTAI is advancing intelligent hospital development with AI and robotics. Explore how our project enhances medical diagnosis, treatment and care through cutting-edge digital health solutions. The HosmartAI project...
by ITCL | Feb 17, 2022 | "Simulation and Virtual reality" projects, Health technologies, National projects
VIRTUALIZA – Virtual Training Platform for SME´s The Virtual Training Platform for SMEs offered by the VIRTUALIZA project addresses the need for personalized training, particularly for users with dependencies or functional limitations. This innovative solution...
by ITCL | Oct 4, 2021 | "Electronics and Artificial Intelligence" projects, Deep learning and Artificial Intelligence, Electronics. Projects, Health technologies, Regional project
TRIAGE SMART DECISION – AI Based COVID Triage System for Hospitals Triage Smart Decision, the AI-based COVID triage system enhances hospital emergency departments by automating patient screening and classification. Learn about the benefits of using AI for...
by ITCL | Aug 10, 2021 | "Electronics and Artificial Intelligence" projects, Deep learning and Artificial Intelligence, Health technologies, National projects
IBERUS – Biomedical Tech for NMS Degeneratice Pathologies IBERUS, a cutting-edge Biomedical Engineering Network, advances diagnosis and care for degenerative neuromusculoskeletal diseases. Learn about the project´s impact on clinical and out-of-hospital settings...