eficiencia energetica

HosmartAI – Intelligent Hospital Development

HOSMARTAI is advancing intelligent hospital development with AI and robotics. Explore how our project enhances medical diagnosis, treatment and care through cutting-edge digital health solutions.

The HosmartAI project will create a common open integration platform, with the necessary tools to facilitate and measure the benefits of integrating digital technologies (robotics and AI) into the healthcare system.

Several large-scale pilot projects will make it possible to evaluate the various improvements in several hospital environments:
Medical diagnosis, surgical interventions, disease prevention and treatment, rehabilitation support and long-term care.

Digitalization | Artificial Intelligence | Intelligent Hospital | Digital Health

Project Description:

The Technological Institute of Castilla y León is the scientific-technical leader of the European project ‘Hospital Smart Development based on AI‘ (HosmartAI), which was born with the purpose of searching for artificial intelligence and robotic solutions to improve health and care services.

The project will focus on different aspects or medical manifestations:

Cancer (pilot No. 1, No. 2 and No. 8).
Gastrointestinal disorders (pilot no. 1)
Cardiovascular diseases (pilot nº 1, nº 4, nº 5 and nº 7)
Thoracic disorders (pilot no. 5); neurological diseases (pilot no. 3).
Care of the elderly and neuropsychological rehabilitation (pilot no. 6).
Fetal growth restriction and prematurity (pilot no. 1).
To ensure a user-centered approach and harmonization in the process (e.g. in terms of ethical aspects, standardization and robustness from both technical and social and health perspectives) the living lab methodology will be used. HosmartAI will identify appropriate instruments (KPIs) that measure efficiency without undermining access or quality of care.

Once the processes and measures to evaluate the benefits of introducing these technologies have been identified, the project will create a Benchmarking tool to promote adoption in new environments and thus create a meeting place for technology providers and end users. As a result of the project, liaison and cooperation activities with stakeholders and open calls will create an ecosystem and an industry cluster.

Project duration:

2021 – 2024

Cooperation project with:

It is a project funded through the Horizon 2020 call: H2020-DT-2018-2020 (Digitalization and transformation of European industry and services: digital innovation centers and platforms).

Number: 101016834

Contact person:

Maite Cobo – maite.cobo@itcl.es

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