by ITCL | Nov 21, 2023 | "Simulation and Virtual reality" projects, European projects
Mindtooth – Wearable Device for Brain Signal Decoding MINDTOOTH, wearable device for brain signal decoding revolutionizes human-machine interaction by using neurometrics to create intelligent and cooperative systems. This innovation enhances precision and safety...
by ITCL | May 30, 2023 | "Simulation and Virtual reality" projects, Digital Health, European projects
PREVENT – Prevent Cancer by Managing Childhood Obesity PREVENT, the primary prevention o cancer through childhood obesity management, by addressing chiildhood obesity, the project aims to significantly reduce cancer risks in adulthood throughn innovate...
by ITCL | May 30, 2023 | "Energy Technologies" Projects, Electronics. Projects, Energy Transition and Ecosystems, European projects
iMERMAID – Innovative solutions for Mediterranean Ecosystem Remediation iMERMAID focuses on innovative solutions for Mediterranean ecosystem remediation, tackling chemical pollution and water quality issues. The project integrates advanced technologies for...
by ITCL | Mar 15, 2023 | "Electronics and Artificial Intelligence" projects, Digital Health, European projects
HosmartAI – Intelligent Hospital Development HOSMARTAI is advancing intelligent hospital development with AI and robotics. Explore how our project enhances medical diagnosis, treatment and care through cutting-edge digital health solutions. The HosmartAI project...
by ITCL | Mar 17, 2021 | Digital Transformation, Electronics. Projects, European projects
NeuroCPS4 Maintenance – Neuromorphic Anomaly Detector NeuroCPS4Maintenance is a project that aims to develop and demonstrate a neuromorphic edge anomaly detector that is robust against conceptual drift, alerts to faults early and provides fast, real-time...
by ITCL | Feb 24, 2021 | European projects, Heritage and Social Resilence
Al4Labour – AI in Workforce Restructuring: Future Job Skills AI in workforce restructuring is critical for predicting future job skills and adapting to Industry 4.0. Learn how AI4Labour is preparing the workforce for future occupations through innovative AI...