Carlos Alberto Catalina participates in the world’s largest congress dedicated to the world of virtual and augmented reality

Industry experts from around the world will gather in November in Australia at VRCAI 2019. A congress to be held in the Australian city of Brisbane, where the head of Simulation Technologies ITCL Technology Centre, Carlos Catalina, will travel. It is an honour that Carlos Alberto Catalina has been selected to form part of the organising committee of a meeting that brings together experts from all over the world in an event in which fundamental methods, cutting-edge technologies and innovative applications of Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality and Mixed Reality, among others, will be presented and debated. The meeting aims to serve as a forum for scientists, researchers, developers, users and industry leaders in the international VRC community to come together to share experiences, exchange ideas and stimulate each other’s knowledge. If you are interested in how to apply or research these technologies you can not miss this event.