share4business carsharing

Share4business – How to manage Carsharing fleets efficiently?

Proyect Description:

The general objectives of share4business have been as follows:

  • Development of a system to manage smart vehicle fleets.
  • User interaction with the service through a mobile application.
  • Service management by operators through a web application.

Problem they aim to solve:

ITCL has been responsible for the development of mobile applications, both for Android and iOS, used by company employees. In a matter of seconds, an employee can reserve a vehicle and start using it, as the application is simple and highly intuitive.

ITCL has also developed the web platform that enables service management. Through this platform, fleet managers can monitor the real-time status and position of each vehicle, check if any issues exist that require taking the vehicle to the workshop, generate reports with usage statistics to optimize vehicle utilization, and more.

For the development of share4business, procedures and best practices were followed to ensure the security and robustness of all system components. Additionally, several independent companies conducted security audits to identify any potential vulnerabilities. The service also complies with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

Project Resolution Objectives:

  • Invitation and registration of users for the service online.
  • Vehicle reservation, opening, and closing through a mobile application.
  • Monitoring of vehicle status through a map: position, availability, incidents, mileage, etc.
  • Recording of vehicle usage and generation of reports for operator analysis.

Project duration:


Project for company:

ITCL Centro Tecnológico

Funded by:

This project has been carried out for the company Mercedes-Benz.

Contact person:

Javier Sedano –

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