eficiencia energetica

CertiBlo – Blockchain for Sustainble Construction Certification

CertiBlo leverages blockchain technology to develop innovative systems for accreditation and regulatory compliance in the construction industy. Blockchain for sustainable construction certification is transforming how building meet sustainability standards.

What is CertiBlo?

Docket: AEI-010500-2018-173

CertiBlo is an industrial research project, since the activities to be carried out aim to acquire new knowledge, in this case new models of systems based on blockchain technology, which may be useful for the future creation of new processes or services, or contribute to significantly improve existing ones in the field of accreditation of sustainability and regulatory compliance in building.

There are currently no models based on this technology, and the project does not start from a combination of existing technologies (in that case it would be considered as experimental development), but from the generation of new knowledge using blockchain as a technological tool and three experimental applications to generate it.

In line with this nature, this project involves, integrated in the AEI AEICE, which acts as a catalyst: an officially recognized research organization (ITCL), a company that develops ICT systems applied to infrastructure and building management with a long history in R&D&I activities (TECOPY), as well as a knowledge center expert in regulations applied to construction (ICCL).

CertiBlo Duration

2018 – 2019

National Project in Cooperation with:

ITCL Centro Tecnológico
ITCL Centro Tecnológico
ITCL Centro Tecnológico

This project has been funded through the Call for subsidies to support Innovative Business Groups (AEIs) 2017 of the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Tourism.

Contact Person:

Javier Sedano, R&D Director at ITCL Centro Tecnológico

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