School of Empathy, a game to combat bulling

ITCL has recently launched a video game that seeks to combat bullying. In this way, the aim is to answer questions such as what to do in a bullying situation or how we can correct this type of situation. A 'serious game' developed from Burgos with the aim of fighting against bullying and that allows the player to acquire responsible behavior to avoid bullying situations in the school environment.

School of Empathy screenshot

Sofía Vallecorsa CERN: “The role of the private sector in the field of quantum computing is very relevant with an ecosystem of companies that are already looking towards it”

Talking about quantum computing at the European level is talking about CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research. From her laboratories, Sofía Vallecorsa has been working for years on the analysis and potential of quantum computing. From the Franco-Swiss border, Vallecorsa leads the study of the Quantum Technology Initiative, dedicated to investigating the impact of quantum technologies (computing, detection and communication) in the field of High Energy Physics.

ESPADIN- Optimizing Data Spaces in Industry

Collaborative technological impulse dedicated to bringing the sharing and exploitation of the value of data to industrial practice under the paradigm of the denominated shared data spaces, working on the quality, availability and reliability of the data. Industrial research in these three areas will provide lines of work that promote trust and security, fundamental for the progress of the aforementioned paradigm, in terms of solving cross-cutting and strategic challenges of Spanish industry.

Duration: 2022-2024