eficiencia energetica

AgrarIA – AI in Agriculture: Enhancing Production Efficiency

AgrarIA is a pioneering project using Artificial Intelligence to trnsform agricultural production. Learn how advanced AI technoques enhance efficiency, sustainability, and productivity in farming.

AgrarIA is a consortium made up of 24 entities, including large companies, SMEs, research centres and universities, forming a research ecosystem that will enable us to respond to the ambitious challenges of the project in the following aspects:

  • There are expert companies in the agricultural field and leaders in their sectors such as Florette, Bodegas Torres or Casa Ametller.
  • There are high-level technological companies in the different fields of robotics such as Kivnon, Dronetools or Helix North, or leaders in Artificial Intelligence such as GMV.
  • There are leading research organisations in different technologies to be studied: AI/multiagents (University of Salamanca), quantum artificial intelligence (CSIC), agromonitoring (University of Seville), predictive quality and augmented reality (ITCL) and genomic phenotyping, modelling and prediction (IRTA).

What is AgrarIA?

AgrarIA is a project focused on advanced agricultural production through the intensive use of Artificial Intelligence applied to the value chain.

AgrarIA Objectives

The objectives set out in the project are:

1. Research in the complete value chain of Agricultural Production through systems governed by Artificial Intelligence, with drastic CO2 reduction, sustainability, energy efficiency, productivity and competitiveness.
2. Research in the application of the use of different technologies and Artificial Intelligence in the most efficient and carbon neutral way.

ITCL’s participation in the consortium

ITCL carries out several activities within the project, to provide solutions to different issues raised within the consortium.

1. Research on AI techniques in precision agriculture, optimisation of crops and plantations according to the water, energy and nutritional demands of plants. Design of AI-based strategies and decisions. ITCL will work in the framework of this activity in collaboration with the companies CODESIAN, 1A INGENIEROS and iSOLAGUA, supporting the technological basis of sensorisation, artificial vision and AI technologies.
2. AI research into predictive quality in agro-industrial companies. In this activity ITCL will effectively resolve the digitisation of processes in the agro-industrial environment, resolve the information from the data obtained from the production process to promote improvements in the final product and resolve the needs of predictive quality, based on the design of pattern recognition algorithms, of the production systems that guarantee repetitive processes and alerts in the event of changes that occur in them, due to the fact that the necessary control of how raw materials and production processes affect the quality of their products is not available, thus generating a versatile solution that will generate knowledge for the organisation.
3. Research into AI techniques, virtual reality solutions and artificial vision to optimise the processing of packaged agricultural products. In this activity ITCL will work in collaboration with the company LBBAGGING and GMV in the search for solutions to improve the packaging stage in the products manufactured by LBBAGGING for the fruit and vegetable sector.

AgrarIA duration:

October 2021 – December 2024

National Project in cooperation with:

ITCL Centro Tecnológico
ITCL Centro Tecnológico
ITCL Centro Tecnológico
ITCL Centro Tecnológico

Founded by:

MISSIONS IA programme of the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Digital Transformation.

plan de recuperación transformación y resiliencia
Europa impulsa nuestro crecimiento
Europa impulsa nuestro crecimiento

Contact person:

Javier Sedano – R&D Director at ITCL Technology Center

Blanca Moral – ITCL Technology Centre

Silvia González – Head of AI at ITCL Technology Centre

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