NACODEAL. NAtural COmmunication DEvice For Assisted Living

European project

Nacodeal europeo aal augmented reality

The NACODEAL project has as objective offer new solutions to issues that elderly people confront when faced with new technologies and during their daily tasks, keeping their autonomy in the current society. Those solutions are integrated by Augmented Reality Technology using a portable device which aids them, providing instructions about how to proceed in distinct activities from the daily life.

This device will allow to the elderly with memory loss problems to keep an independent life thanks to its intuitive interfaces, making easy to them access the digital world. Moreover the device will project an augmented reality overlay in the locations within the user residence containing useful information or advice that may be helpful to their daily tasks.

NACODEAL Realidad aumentada pra personas de la tercera edad

During the last years, a significant effort was made trying to introduce the elder to new technologies such as mobile phones, online shopping, television and other services and devices which they don’t feel comfortable with. This project aims to introduce the elder to the virtual communities in a more natural way, creating a product which they feel safe, easy to use and understand. The outcome of this project intends to bring a much more functional product towards the daily life, which could revolutionize the market as we know.

Nacodeal AAL Forum

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