“Productivity is never an accident. It is always the result of a commitment to excellence, intelligent planning and concentrated effort” (Paul J. Meyer)
Intelligent artificial perception. Projects
AIMARS – AI Event Security System
AIMARS aims to demonstrate Europe's First Integrated Security and Surveillance Technology Solution for large gatherings: to provide useful and real-time information to Public and Private Security Forces and Corps, to prevent attacks, crowds, riots and other incidents.
Duration: 2018 - 2022
Productio – Boosting Industrial Efficiency with Industry 4.0
Research on various technologies, techniques, tools, methodologies and knowledge aimed at increasing the operational capacity of industrial processes (Overall Equipment Efficiency - OEE) within the framework of the connected industry. The project has enabled the adoption of productive and maintenance solutions in the connected industry by implementing digital security.
Duration: 2016-2020
Ciberfactory – Enhancing Industry 4.0 with Cyber-Physical Systems
The Technological Enablers project deals with the industrial research of enabling technologies to increase the technological capacity of the ITCL, and its competitiveness in the technological sector that will facilitate us to bring the experiences closer to the regional industrial interests.
Duration: 2019 - 2020
SV3D – Enhance 3D Security with Video Surveillance Systems
Development of an online 3D content generation system based on videogrammetry and focused on the security sector, which automatically models objects and environments in three dimensions with the only resource of a video recording, and allows modeling both static and dynamic objects and spaces through recordings.
Duration: 2018 - 2021
PigAdvisor – Smart Farming Solutions for Pig Farms
Modern animal production involves the generation of a massive amount of data or Big Data that requires more complex and comprehensive management systems to optimize the use of the data. This high volume of data requires new large-scale storage techniques and different approaches to retrieve the information.
Duration: 2018 - 2020
Working Age – Smart Working environments for all Ages
WorkingAge will use innovative HCI methods (augmented reality, virtual reality, gesture / voice recognition and eye tracking) to measure the emotional / cognitive / health status of the user and create communication paths. At the same time, with the use of IoT, sensors will be able to detect environmental conditions. The goal is to promote healthy habits of users in their work environment and daily life activities to improve their working and living conditions.
Duration: 2019 - 2021
Simulation of material behaviour
TISSUSIM. Simulation of the behaviour of carbon fibre and multi-layered textiles subjected to shaping procedures. Design and development of equipment for measuring raw materials. National Project File: RTC-2016-5122-5 TISSUSIM is a project of the Call for...
Augmented Reality for memory loss
NACODEAL. NAtural COmmunication DEvice For Assisted Living European project The NACODEAL project has as objective offer new solutions to issues that elderly people confront when faced with new technologies and during their daily tasks, keeping their autonomy in the...