
“Productivity is never an accident. It is always the result of a commitment to excellence, intelligent planning and concentrated effort” (Paul J. Meyer)

Intelligent artificial perception. Projects

KAIROS – Intelligent Manufacturing for Naval Composites

Research in cutting-edge composite manufacturing technologies, Industry 4.0 and Digital Twin aimed at developing a solution for the efficient manufacturing of large composite parts for the shipbuilding sector, with a high degree of automation, as well as quality and cost optimisation.

Duration: October 2021-September 2025

CEL.IA – Advanced AI Solutions for Human-Machine Interfaces

CEL.IA is a strategic research project in cooperation between several technological centers that aims to join efforts to develop a "Toolkit" or complete offer of solutions based on virtual and augmented reality, artificial vision and natural language processing, to facilitate the effective incorporation of Artificial Intelligence in human-machine interfaces.

Duration: 2021 - 2023

InRoad 4.0 – Intelligent Roads for Vision Zero

The project will facilitate the adoption of technological solutions to provide useful information to road users (for safer driving), road concession companies (for better road maintenance and greater resource efficiency), public agencies (for proper decision making in road planning) and emergency bodies (to intervene quickly and safely).

Duration: 2018 - 2022

Inroad 4.0

Ciberfactory – Enhancing Industry 4.0 with Cyber-Physical Systems

The Technological Enablers project deals with the industrial research of enabling technologies to increase the technological capacity of the ITCL, and its competitiveness in the technological sector that will facilitate us to bring the experiences closer to the regional industrial interests.

Duration: 2019 - 2020


SV3D – Enhance 3D Security with Video Surveillance Systems

Development of an online 3D content generation system based on videogrammetry and focused on the security sector, which automatically models objects and environments in three dimensions with the only resource of a video recording, and allows modeling both static and dynamic objects and spaces through recordings.

Duration: 2018 - 2021

Working Age – Smart Working environments for all Ages

WorkingAge will use innovative HCI methods (augmented reality, virtual reality, gesture / voice recognition and eye tracking) to measure the emotional / cognitive / health status of the user and create communication paths. At the same time, with the use of IoT, sensors will be able to detect environmental conditions. The goal is to promote healthy habits of users in their work environment and daily life activities to improve their working and living conditions.

Duration: 2019 - 2021