by ITCL | May 27, 2015 | "Electronics and Artificial Intelligence" projects, "Sustainable mobility" Projects, Regional project, Safe and Sustainable Mobility
Development of integral mobility management tools for sustainable mobility Regional Project File: CCTT10BU002 The DHEMOS Project (“Desarrollo de herramientas de gestión integral para la movilidad sostenible” – “Development of sustainable mobility integral management...
by ITCL | May 27, 2015 | "Electronics and Artificial Intelligence" projects, Digital Health, Regional project
BIOPAC, bioinformatics for production optimization plays a crucial role in enhancing the production of immunosuppressants. Our project utlizes genomic sequencing and advanced bioinformatics techniques to optimize the production process of tacrolimus and other related...
by ITCL | Oct 1, 2014 | "Electronics and Artificial Intelligence" projects, company projects, Regional project, Smart and Sustainable Industry
PROMETEM, high pressure tempeture measurement device technology is essential for precise readings in extreme conditions. Our prototype measures temperature accurately in hypernaric chambers, addressing challenges in high-pressure sterillization processes. Prototype...