Development of integral mobility management tools for sustainable mobility
Regional Project
File: CCTT10BU002
The DHEMOS Project (“Desarrollo de herramientas de gestión integral para la movilidad sostenible” – “Development of sustainable mobility integral management tools”) is focused on the balanced and simultaneous development of every agent involved in sustainable mobility: vehicle, energy supplying infrastructure and communications infrastructure.
DHEMOS is a collaborative Project aiming for the optimisation of electric vehicle (EV) energy use and management in order to maximise its range, the timely and efficient availability of energy supply for the EV, and the integration of the EV as a spread controllable energy storage device in the power network.
Cedetel, Cidaut and ITCL join in this project focusing on electric vehicle optimisation, charging infrastructure and communications. The enhancement of urban mobility is a key factor to match the European 20-20-20 targets. This project brings together the expertise of each of the three Technological Institutes in the three pillars of electric vehicle mobility: the development of charging infrastructure, devices and services, communications and Smart Grids, and the energy optimisation of the electrical vehicle itself.
The first actor in the sustainable mobility deployment based on electric power is the electric vehicle, but the current technology state of the art suffers from a limited range. In order to overcome this obstacle, the DHEMOS project participant Technological Institutes will collaborate to develop three main work lines:
- Energy consumption reduction through the optimisation of the electric vehicle: the Research & Development tasks aiming for the optimisation of the electric vehicle will be led by Cidaut, with the support of CEDETEL and ITCL.
- Information for a more efficient use of energy: the communications and infrastructure research and development tasks will be led by CEDETEL, with the support of ITCL and CEDETEL.
- Guaranteed power supply: the supply infrastructure research and development tasks will be led by ITCL, with the support of Cidaut and CEDETEL.
Project length: 2010-2011
This project has been co-funded by ADE Inversiones y Servicios de la Junta de Castilla y León within the Technological Centres Call 2010-2011 and the European Regional Development Fund