Inspector – Inspection and maintenance in the connected industry
INSPECTOR aims to revolutionize industrial inspection and maintenance using UAV´s sendor technology, and virtual reality. This project focuses on automating and optimizing facility mangement in Industry 4.0 for enhanced efficiency and safety.
INSPECTOR (INdustrial inSPECtion and MainTenance of complex OR Unattended Facilities) is a multi-sector and multidisciplinary R&D Consortium. It is formed by 8 first level companies (industrial and technological), led by TSK and supported by 5 reference Research Organizations in Spain. The objective of the project is to research in various technologies, techniques, tools, methodologies and knowledge aimed at automating and optimizing the management of inspection and maintenance within the framework of the connected industry. This project will facilitate the adoption of Inspection and Maintenance solutions with a high degree of automation, efficiency and competitiveness. All this, through the use of emerging technologies applied to critical industrial environments of high complexity and difficult access. These solutions will represent a strong national boost to Industry 4.0, through the generation of new technologies, new business models and new alliances; reinforcing the international competitiveness of the partners, and contributing to the generation of employment and wealth. INSPECTOR focuses on the research of technologies that influence inspection and maintenance, in the framework of Industry 4.0, and proposes a new perspective that automated and unattended management of industrial facilities.
INSPECTOR Objectives
- To investigate in emerging technological areas that allow to obtain solutions for Inspection and maintenance: (I) UAVs (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles) (II) New developments in communications and sensorics (III) Information visualization, imaging and simulation and (IV) Complex data analysis, artificial intelligence and Machine Learning.
- Optimization and automation of inspection and maintenance systems and processes.
- Incorporate new benefits and services to the national industry.
- Acquire new scientific and technological knowledge to incorporate innovation and research in the processes, products and services of companies and strengthen the Spanish science and technology system.
- Research in Inspection and Maintenance Technologies in the framework of Industry 4.0 that allow to increase automation and industrial competitiveness.
- Acquiring differential capabilities and technologies, with high added value, to improve its international positioning.
- Increase the availability, reliability, efficiency and useful life of industrial facilities.
- Minimize the risks for people and the environment associated with inspection and maintenance operations.
- To have advanced inspection and maintenance solutions that can be extrapolated to other use cases in other industries with similar problems.
Simulator for industrial maintenance using virtual reality, developed within the project together with Syltec.
Project Duration:
2017 – 2021
National Project in cooperation with:
Public Research Organizations:
The project has been funded through the 2017 CIEN Call for Proposals of the CDTI.
Contact person:
Javier Sedano – R&D Director at ITCL Technology Center
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