Inroad 4.0

InRoad 4.0 – Intelligent Roads for Vision Zero

InRoad 4.0 aims to develop smart road technologies that enhance safety, efficiency, and sustainability, ultimately achieving zero fatalities, injures, traffic jams, and emissions.

The project will facilitate the adoption of technological solutions to provide useful information to users (for safer driving), to road concession companies (for better road maintenance and greater resource efficiency), to public agencies (for appropriate decision-making in road planning) and to emergency bodies (for rapid and safe intervention).

What is InRoad 4.0

The InRoad 4.0 project will facilitate the adoption of technological solutions to create Smart Roads that provide useful information to users (for safer driving), road concession companies (for better road maintenance and greater resource efficiency), public agencies (for proper decision making in road planning) and emergency bodies (to intervene quickly and safely).

InRoad 4.0 problem they aim to solve: Reduce road fatalities and emissions

To achieve Vision 0, it is necessary to bring together many components in different sectors, including road safety education and awareness, design and construction of safer infrastructures, development of safer vehicles, proper maintenance of roads and infrastructures, user information or speed and efficiency of emergency bodies. It should also be borne in mind that human error continues to be the main cause of accidents, and should therefore be included as part of the equation.

In summary, the main problems encountered in the engineering, construction and operation of highways are:

  • High engineering and mapping costs, due to their great extension.
  • High cost of inspection and maintenance of roads, due to their large extension.
  • Risk involved in inspections and maintenance, due to the need for operator participation.
  • Increased frequency of inspection and maintenance tasks to improve road safety towards Vision 0.
  • Overcome limitations such as:
    • Difficult coverage of such a large road network.
    • Inadequacy of current technologies
    • Use of recently developed technologies in which Spain has a leading role.

InRoad 4.0 Objectives

The objective of the InRoad 4.0 project (Intelligent Roads for a 0 Vision (0 deceased, 0 injured, 0 congestion and 0 emissions)) is to investigate in various technologies, techniques, tools, methodologies and knowledge aimed at optimizing the integral cycle of road management and its interaction with users, providing an essential technological leap towards 0 Vision.

InRoad 4.0 Duration

2018 – 2022

National Project in Cooperation with:

Research organizations:

Funded by:

Private funding by subcontracting TECOPYSA, VALORIZA in the CDTI’s 2018 Strategic Program for National Business Research Consortia (CIEN).

Contact Person:

Javier Sedano, R&D Manager –

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