Ciber4gr0 – Cybersecurity fot Agro-Food Industry with Blockchain
Ciber4gr0 investigates the feasibility os applying a digital cybersecurity seal using blockchain technology to ensure secure, immutable certification for Industry 4.0. Cybersecurity for the agro-food industry is vital as digirization boosts efficiency but also increases threats.
Feasibility study of the cybersecurity seal applied to the agribusiness industry
What is Ciber4gr0?
Docket: AEI-010600-2018-247
The objective of the Cyber4gr.0 project is to carry out a technical Feasibility Study, to analyze the application of the Cybersecurity Seal in the field of Industry 4.0 in general and in the Agri-Food in particular, as well as the feasibility study of granting the Seal in digital mode using BlockChain technology to ensure its free consultation, as well as its inviolability and immutability.
The massive digitization of the productive processes of Industry 4.0 allows them to be more efficient and competitive, but also increases the threats. The degree of complexity of the organizations involved is higher and in order to analyze the application of the Seal to Industry 4.0 we consider conducting a feasibility study that allows us to evaluate the scope of the new initiative, as well as validate such proof of concept in a real industrial environment.
The AEI Cybersecurity has developed a Cybersecurity Seal for organizations in general. But since Industry 4.0 there is a business demand to secure their production processes, knowing what technical measures and procedures they have to implement to have their assets protected and/or out of risk. The typology of the organizations involved in the Connected Industry makes it very important to previously analyze the security requirements applicable to this sector and prevents us from applying the Referential directly, unlike other sectors. Its peculiarities require a previous analysis to adjust the new Seal to the industrial environment. The study will allow us to analyze the possibilities of success within a real industrial environment and will help us in making the final decision.
Ciber4gr0 Duration
2018 – 2019
National Project in Cooperation with:
This project has been funded through the Call for subsidies to support Innovative Business Groups (AEIs) 2018 of the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Tourism.
Contact person:
Javier Sedano, R&D Director at ITCL Centro Tecnológico
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