AIMARS – AI Event Security System
AIMARS aims to develop advanced technological solutions for real-time monitoring and security at large gathering, utilizing artificial intelligence, big data, and surveillance technology.
AIMARS aims to demonstrate Europe’s First Integrated Security and Surveillance Technology Solution for large gatherings: to provide useful and real-time information to Public and Private Security Forces to prevent attacks, crowds, riots and other incidents.
What is AIMARS?
The objective of the AIMARS project is to research on various technologies, techniques, tools, methodologies and knowledge aimed at developing technological solutions to support surveillance and prevention of attacks and other incidents (agglomerations, riots, etc….) in large concentrations of people (airports, fairs, demonstrations, sporting events, parties, shopping centers or similar environments); as well as other elements of interest such as Critical Infrastructures, borders, etc….
AIMARS problem to be solved: Enhance security at large gatherings
The need to provide public and private Security Corps and managers of large public spaces, with New Technological Solutions that allow them to deal with terrorist attacks (and other threats such as riots and crowds) in Large Concentrations of People.
AIMARS Objectives
Big Data / Machine Learning / Artificial Intelligence and intelligent algorithms:
- Address in an individualized way, using new state of the art techniques, the identification of unique profiles of objects or people with the information received from various sources that may present it unstructured, partial, with noise or incomplete, eliminating repetitive and non-relevant data to reduce the algorithms to be used and define the necessary aspects for the storage of the information collected from an individual at different instants and different dimensions
Augmented and Mixed Virtual Reality:
- Develop techniques for immersive visualization, in virtual and pseudo-real environments, and for analyzing the data generated.
- Research in technologies for absolute positioning in large spaces, as well as in the integration of the equipment used by the security forces, both carried and installed in other elements such as vehicles, urban furniture, etc.
Real-time image processing
Human-machine interfaces
Biometrics (iris, facial, vascular)
- Reduction of iris identifier calculation time.
- Use of Deep Learning techniques for facial recognition in crowded environments.
- Design of algorithms based on intelligent systems and high-performance architectures for vascular recognition.
Sensorization and the Internet of Things (IoT)
- Introducing the future concepts of IoT networks, investigating Ultra Narrow Band technology.
Wireless communications: LTE, 4G-5G, WIFI, LPWA.
- Research on Hardware solutions for the acquisition of field signals from sensors and equipment and their transmission using security-oriented LPWA technology.
Communications tracking systems
- Mobile location by WIFI and Bluetooth technology.
5G, Carrier Neutral: MEC, Virtualization, Slicing, mMTC, uRLLC, eMBB, DAS and Nanocells.
- Research and development of high-capacity eMMB 5G network.
- Research and Development of a low latency uRLLC network with edge processing or MEC
- Research and development of a secure network through slicing and virtualization of the 5G network.
AIMARS Duration
2018 – 2022
National Project in Cooperation with:
Research organizations:
The project has been funded through the CDTI’s 2018 CIEN Call for Proposals.

Contact Person:
Javier Sedano – javier.sedano@itcl.es
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