eficiencia energetica

INMERBOT – Immersive Robotic Inspection Tech

INMERBOT focuses on advicing teleoperation and robot-robot collaboration using cutting-edge sensory techbologies and augmented reality to improve inspection and maintenance processes.

INMERBOT is an R&D project with a clear scope: To advance knowledge of teleoperation and management of multi-robotic systems in highly immersive environments for inspection and maintenance applications.


INMERBOT is a project aimed at improving the efficiency and technology of human-robot and robot-robot interactions in the field of tele-operated robots. The basis of this project is to conduct research on a reliable model that allows immersive stereoscopic visualization synchronized with the motor gestures performed by the operator, and also provides an augmented reality interface for the control of the different robot mechanisms. And, on the other hand, it will extend robot-robot collaborative actions for inspection tasks such as terrain recognition, interoperability and decision making, training, search or task distribution.

INMERBOT Problem to be solved: Improve robot inspection with immersive tech

There are currently significant limitations to enable more efficient human-robot & robot-robot collaboration in facility inspection and maintenance environments. The technologies used do not allow immersion between the operator and the robot or with the surrounding environment, furthermore there is no long distance tele-operation: the operator has to be in close range to the robot. Finally, robot-robot collaboration does not exist today and they have to be commanded individually.

INMERBOT Objectives

The general objectives of the project are:

  1. To investigate collaborative dynamic robot systems that, unlike classical industrial robots, can operate in unstructured, fully dynamic and partially observable environments, enabling a new range of disruptive services and functionalities of semi-autonomous and autonomous inspection in heterogeneous environments (terrestrial and aquatic). The goal of these services is to improve conditions.
  2. Investigate immersive environments for industrial inspection in unattended facilities (renewable energy generation plants, electrical substations, chemical treatment plants), and specifically in sectors that represent risks and complex and high-cost inspections (economic, personal, temporary), facilitating the transformation and digitization of strategic sectors in the Spanish industry.
  3. Research into new sensory technologies for inclusion in robot-robot and human-robot ecosystems with advanced perception capabilities (immersive and haptic technologies, AI, environmental reconstruction, sensory capabilities, communications architectures) in order to increase and extend human inspection capabilities and promote equipment failure prediction systems, decision support, the sustainability of inspection operations, the efficient use of industrial resources and efficiency throughout the value chain.
  4. Research in efficient robotic inspection systems (mission resolution, task planning) that facilitate the reduction of the operating cost of industrial plants, so that they can operate unattended, promoting energy efficiency and sustainability.

INMERBOT duration:

October 2021 – December 2024

National Project in cooperation with:


Public Research Organizations:

ITCL Centro Tecnológico

It is a project financed by the CDTI (Centro para el Desarrollo Técnologico Industrial) through the CDTI Misiones call.

UE Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional
plan de recuperación transformación y resiliencia

Contact person:

Miguel Portal- Head of Applied Electronics

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