Sustainable Development Goals
ITCL Technology Centre towards Sustainable Development
ITCL Technology Centre, is a benchmark in technological development and applied innovation, and develops more than 130 projects per year aimed at companies, in which it is very aware of the fulfillment of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). These goals represent a commitment to the future, and a cultural change and work philosophy in all the center’s activities, in order to ensure that, in accordance with the 2030 Agenda, these commitments are put into action.
More and more organizations, like us, are committed to sustainability, innovation and collaboration as fundamental pillars of their corporate policy, which represents a global and exciting challenge.

From ITCL Technology Centre we contribute to the global fulfillment of the Sustainable Development Goals, having assumed this commitment since 2020, although we put our focus on those objectives that are aligned with our R&D and Innovation activities.
Therefore, ITCL focuses its efforts mainly on the promotion of technology, knowledge transfer and innovation, as key tools for competitiveness in the business fabric and social cohesion, promoting sustainable economic growth, in compliance with Goals 8 and 9.
In addition, the center also generates technical training activities, both for the human teams of the companies, as well as for the new talent that joins the labor markets, in accordance with Goal 4, trying to link this talent training to the territory, with special support to SMEs and entrepreneurs.
Our policy of alliances has grown in recent years, based on the conviction that only a philosophy of collaboration can provide results in line with the achievement of the common good. In this way, we maintain stable collaboration agreements with other innovation and technology centers, non-profit institutions, both technological and social, public administration and universities, in our commitment to Goal 17.
In the area of environmental sustainability and climate change, our commitment is solid with those initiatives that promote energy saving and the use of renewable energies, carrying out R&D projects closely linked to energy efficiency, in accordance with Goal 7, and to intelligent and sustainable transport, in accordance with Goal 11.
With regard to Goal 3, the center supports initiatives and is involved in projects to improve the quality of life of the chronically ill, the elderly and the disabled, through the development of technologies and digital solutions that can bring improvements in this area.
In ITCL we are committed to:
- Align our corporate strategy and values with the challenges and objectives of the 2030 Agenda, in order to contribute to the fulfillment of the Sustainable Development Goals.
- Adapt the goals to the context in which we operate, and minimize the negative impacts that may arise from our activity.
- Establish alliances with other institutions in order to raise awareness of the importance of the SDGs, as well as to establish effective action to promote them.
ITCL Technology Centre seeks to contribute its knowledge to promote health and wellness through innovation. From ITCL we are committed to maintain our line of research in projects to improve the quality of life of the chronically ill, elderly and disabled, through the development of technologies and digital solutions that can bring improvements for these groups.
In addition, we are directly involved in reducing the number of deaths and injuries caused by traffic accidents, providing driving simulator solutions for training activities, and working on systems that minimize traffic risks through the analysis of driver behavior and infrastructure connectivity.
As a consequence of the health crisis resulting from COVID19 , we have articulated a new commitment to contribute our knowledge to devise and implement systems for monitoring and managing basic data on people’s health, linked to epidemiological parameters.
- We offer continuous training opportunities to our teams to provide them with greater skills and knowledge.
- We welcome interns from various universities and vocational training centers, with the aim of promoting the labor integration of young people, as well as to strengthen our partnership with educational centers.
- We organize technical and skills training, which allows external talent to be promoted and valued in industrial environments, to achieve improvements in digitization, innovation and sustainability. We act as a facilitator of third party learning, through the technology developed and enhancing interactive simulation tools for online training.
- In the center’s facilities we carry out energy saving and responsible energy consumption measures.
- We participate in energy efficiency fairs and congresses and organize activities to disseminate the energy efficiency solutions developed by our researchers.
- We develop energy efficiency projects for the industry in order to save costs and reduce consumption.
The development of the ITCL Technology Centre activity contributes to the economic growth of the country and to the economic, social and environmental progress.
We boost the local economy, supporting small and medium enterprises and develop projects with them.
We generate direct employment, promoting the attraction of local talent. We also generate quality employment, with good working conditions, among them:
- Work-life balance through a flexible working day adapted to the personal and family needs of employees.
- Selection, hiring and remuneration policy based on objective and egalitarian criteria.
- Creation of job opportunities for the most disadvantaged groups (young people and people with disabilities).
ITCL, as a knowledge center, contributes especially to the action of this objective. It focuses its activity on R+D+i and technological assistance in all sectors of business activity, bringing the incorporation of technologies related to digitization and industry 4.0.
We help start-ups, SMEs and local institutions in their innovation processes, in order to promote organizations that are committed to technological and social development.
We act as a facilitator for companies in the process of obtaining funding for their projects, through the PI+D+i Network (CDTI’s national network of R&D information points).
We are involved in the generation of infrastructures and networks that promote innovation in our ecosystem, such as the Digital Innovation Hub Industry 4.0, or the technological clusters in which we participate such as AMETIC, VITARTIS, BIOTECYL, SIVI, and AEICE.
In ITCL we are committed to sustainable mobility, having electric vehicle charging systems available to employees, promoting sustainable mobility, but also participate in forums on the subject, and develop technology specifically aimed at promoting new forms of transport and optimize urban mobility, focusing on:
- Shared fleet systems of electric vehicles for companies (Carsharing).
- Development of infrastructure for smart charging of electric vehicles.
- Bicycle and e-bike sharing systems.
- Development projects for the generation and use of renewable hydrogen.
The sustainable development objectives identified by the center are aligned with the social responsibility of the center, thus integrating into the culture and corporate values of the same.
ITCL has developed a policy of stable alliances with agents of the system, in order to take advantage of synergies for the generation of an environment of innovation and sustainability, and continuously seeks new allies that can achieve the common objectives.
ITCL Technology Centre is part of the SDSN, as a member.
We collaborate with public and private universities such as the University of Burgos, the University Isabel I, the University Carlos III, the University of Oviedo, the University of Granada.
We also collaborate with business groups, business associations, and other institutions, in order to promote common development and knowledge transfer, both at local, regional and European level.