
Invecpro – Research for a new generation of professional electric vehicle.

INVECPRO focuses on advancing professional electric vehicles by researching and developing new technologies such as hydrigen fuel cells and recyclable batteries. This project aims to enhenance the performance and susrainability of electric vehicles for professional use.


The INVECPRO project (Industrial and transversal research for a new generation of high added value professional VEC), brings together a group of 14 entities of high international and national prestige , headed by Fagor Electrónica, and supported by 3 national Technology Centers, to promote Industrial Research in Cooperation and high added value. It has an budget of 14.9 Million Euros, 50.68% of which is destined to SMEs, and an execution period of 30 months.

INVECPRO Objectives

The objective of INVECPRO is to research new technologies for the electric and connected vehicle; and it is formed by 7 primary Industrial Research projects, in which technologies beyond the state of the art will be reached and validated by testing of concept of the same, and covering the total of the 9 blocks established in the call.

Since the consortium has significant industrial skills and VEC manufacturing and its components, it is at this point, the investment in Industrial Research that allows to generate higher added value, competitiveness in the medium and long term, and, therefore, generation of sustainable employment. Also, this allows for greater synergies between the primary projects and the different participants.

In addition, INVECPRO includes a primary training project, which acts in a transversal and supportive , to promote technological excellence, professional recycling and the creation of long term employment.

Finally, it should be noted that INVECPRO focuses its research activity on the application to professional vehicles for three reasons:

  • Professional vehicles represent a very significant market segment, which represents 20% of national production.
  • They require high performance, which sets ambitious research objectives.
  • Production is on a smaller scale than privates cars, which allows for lower risk when incorporating research results.


Primary projects list: 

Primary project name Leader Participants Type of Project.
PP01:  EINSA  IZERTIS  Industrial Research
Design autonomous push back vehicle, 100% electric and with extended range of H2 (TA-20EH2) 
PP02:  FAGOR  AVIA, IDM    Industrial Research
Research on powertrain and its implementation in professional electric , connected and range extension by means of hydrogen PEM type fuel cell vehicles 
PP03:  ALTERITY  DGH  Industrial Research
Research on the design and manufacture of recyclable batteries for electric vehicles
PP04:  ICV-CSIC    Industrial Research
Research on hydrogen fuel cell components and proof of concept
PP05:  CIKAUTXO    Industrial Research
Research on advanced materials for systems associated with the H2 fuel cell and their integration in vehicles for professional use
PP06   VODAFONE  INFONORTE, FAGOR  Industrial Research
Reengineering electric vehicle with new features and services for the city of the future
Advanced VEC intercommunication with intelligent road management and road signs (V2X)


Training and Professional Recycling Project with long-term objectives and commitment to job creation.



INVECPRO Project duration:

October 2022 – March 2025

National project in cooperation with:


ITCL Centro Tecnológico
Retevision coordinador
ITCL Centro Tecnológico
Retevision coordinador
ITCL Centro Tecnológico
Retevision coordinador

Public research organisations:

ITCL Centro Tecnológico

Funded by:

The project has been funded through the PERTE VEC Call of the Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Tourism.

plan de recuperación transformación y resiliencia
Europa impulsa nuestro crecimiento


Miguel Portal – Technical Director

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