by ITCL | Oct 9, 2019 | "Electronics and Artificial Intelligence" projects, "Simulation and Virtual reality" projects, Computer vision. Projects, Safe and Sustainable Mobility
InRoad 4.0 – Intelligent Roads for Vision Zero InRoad 4.0 aims to develop smart road technologies that enhance safety, efficiency, and sustainability, ultimately achieving zero fatalities, injures, traffic jams, and emissions. The project will facilitate the...
by ITCL | Sep 18, 2019 | "Electronics and Artificial Intelligence" projects, "Simulation and Virtual reality" projects, Computer vision. Projects, Digital Transformation
Ciberfactory – Enhancing Industry 4.0 with Cyber-Physical Systems CiberFactory aims to enhance cyber-physical systems in Industry 4.0 with advanced technologies like digital twins, virtual reality, and industrial IoT. What is CiberFactory? The Technological...
by ITCL | Dec 18, 2018 | "Electronics and Artificial Intelligence" projects, "Simulation and Virtual reality" projects, Computer vision. Projects, Digital Transformation, National projects
SV3D – Enhance 3D Security with Video Surveillance Systems SV3D, 3D security video surveillance is revolutionizing the security sector by providing advanced 3D content generation through videoframmetry. The SV3D project focuses on developing sysrems that model...
by ITCL | Dec 13, 2018 | "Simulation and Virtual reality" projects, Computer vision. Projects, Digital Health, European projects, Smart and Sustainable Industry
Working Age – Smart Working environments for all Ages The Smart Working Environments for Aging Workers project, known as WorkingAge, aims to enhance work conditions for older employees. By integrating augmented reality, virtual reality, and IoT technologies,...
by ITCL | Feb 14, 2018 | "Electronics and Artificial Intelligence" projects, "Simulation and Virtual reality" projects, Computer vision. Projects, Digital Transformation, National projects, Smart and Sustainable Industry
Inspector – Inspection and maintenance in the connected industry INSPECTOR aims to revolutionize industrial inspection and maintenance using UAV´s sendor technology, and virtual reality. This project focuses on automating and optimizing facility mangement in...
by ITCL | Mar 29, 2015 | "Simulation and Virtual reality" projects, Computer vision. Projects, Digital Health, Digital Transformation, European projects
NACODEAL. NAtural COmmunication DEvice For Assisted Living European project The NACODEAL project has as objective offer new solutions to issues that elderly people confront when faced with new technologies and during their daily tasks, keeping their autonomy in the...