CEL.IA, the national network created to facilitate the transfer and application of Artificial Intelligence in which five Spanish technology centres participate, advances in its objective of transfer and application of Artificial Intelligence, with the development of a Toolkit that will serve as the technological basis of the network. An important tool that will also support the five demonstrators with which the aim is to achieve maximum capillarity and impact of Artificial Intelligence in the Spanish economy and society.
In recent months, the members of CEL.IA – Cervera Consortium for the Leadership of R&D&I in Applied Artificial Intelligence – have advanced some of the details of the CEL.IA Toolkit of technological solutions in virtual and augmented reality, artificial vision and natural language processing. This work is the result of collaboration between the members of the cluster in the context of various enabling technologies for AI, specifically virtual and augmented reality, computer vision and natural language processing, together with technologies for the homogenisation of data from heterogeneous sources.
Five demonstrators
This important tool is presented as the technological basis of the Network, with the proposed objective of achieving technology transfer to companies by the cluster. The Toolkit will also serve as technological support for the five thematic application demonstrators that will be developed within the fields of industry, energy, health, transport and intelligent territories.
The aforementioned demonstrators will be key in the transfer of technology and knowledge that seeks to reach companies, entities and institutions with the aim of achieving maximum capillarity and impact of Artificial Intelligence in the Spanish economy and society.
The CEL.IA Grouping ‘Consortium cErvera for the Leadership of R&D&I in Applied Artificial Intelligence’ brings together five Spanish technology centres of reference in the field of Artificial Intelligence, with proven capacities for technology transfer to companies and with the aim of helping SMEs and companies to implement solutions based on Artificial Intelligence in their processes.
ITCL Centro Tecnológico, ITI – Instituto Tecnológico de Informática; Fundación Andaluza para el Desarrollo Aeroespacial (FADA-CATEC); ITG – Instituto Tecnológico de Galicia, and CTIC Centro Tecnológico, the latter as coordinator of the grouping, make up the aforementioned network.