by Natalia Diez Escribano | May 3, 2024 | "Electronics and Artificial Intelligence" projects, Digital Transformation, Electronics. Projects, National projects
NAVANTWING – Research on technologies for digital twinning and exploitation in the naval sector. Digital transformation in the naval sector relies on digital twins, virtual models that replicate real systems to improve efficiency and competitiveness. Although...
by ITCL | Feb 24, 2021 | Digital Transformation, Electronics. Projects, Regional project
Neuromorfico EG – Neuromorphic systems for processing in EdGe Computing The project experiments on new neuromorphic systems for processing in Edge Computing, through specific technological developments for general application in industrial environments, capital...
by ITCL | Apr 29, 2015 | "Energy Technologies" Products
Industrial refrigeration plants supervision system Putting technology at the service of energy efficiency services, ITCL has focused on R&D in order to develop added-value projects. As result ITCL has developed a supervision system for cooling facilities, called...