e-MOLDE project introduces smart moulds to revolutionize plastic injection processes. By integrating mechatronic systems and real-time monitoring, these advanced moulds enhance manufacturing efficiency and effectiveness.
e-MOLDE Mechatronic and internet-connected moulds
National Project
File: TSI-020500-2010-167
E-MOLDE project aims to introduce a new technological improvement in plastic injection processes. It aims to develop mechatronic systems and thus use embedded systems in these processes. In this way, it aims to ensure that the tools are no longer passive elements, in order to achieve an improvement in efficiency throughout the cycle.
The tools will become active elements connected to the process and with integrated knowledge. And all elements of the process can be monitored and corrected in real time.
In short, the tooling will be the connection for the flow of knowledge, and the knowledge integrated in these intelligent moulds will allow to store the know-how achieved by the technicians and also to exploit this knowledge more efficiently, in conclusion, the aim is to achieve increasingly intelligent moulds.
Duration: 24 months
The project has been co-financed by the Ministry of Industry, Tourism and Trade, within the National Plan for Scientific Research, Development and Technological Innovation 2008-2011
This project, promoted and coordinated by FEAMM, has the participation of the following partners