
Research is to see what everybody else has seen, and think what nobody has though”. (Albert Szent-Györgyi)

Electronics and Artificial Intelligence. Projects

SV3D – Enhance 3D Security with Video Surveillance Systems

Development of an online 3D content generation system based on videogrammetry and focused on the security sector, which automatically models objects and environments in three dimensions with the only resource of a video recording, and allows modeling both static and dynamic objects and spaces through recordings.

Duration: 2018 - 2021

PigAdvisor – Smart Farming Solutions for Pig Farms

Modern animal production involves the generation of a massive amount of data or Big Data that requires more complex and comprehensive management systems to optimize the use of the data. This high volume of data requires new large-scale storage techniques and different approaches to retrieve the information.

Duration: 2018 - 2020

Ciber4gr0 – Cybersecurity fot Agro-Food Industry with Blockchain

The objective of the Cyber4gr.0 project is to conduct a technical feasibility study to analyze the application of the Cybersecurity Seal in the field of Industry 4.0 in general and in the Agri-Food industry in particular, as well as the feasibility study of granting the Seal in digital mode using BlockChain technology to ensure its free consultation, as well as its inviolability and immutability.

Duration: 2018 - 2019

Inspector – Inspection and maintenance in the connected industry

The objective of the project is to investigate various technologies, techniques, tools, methodologies and knowledge aimed at automating and optimizing the management of inspection and maintenance within the framework of the connected industry. This project will facilitate the adoption of Inspection and Maintenance solutions with a high degree of automation, efficiency and competitiveness.

Duration: 2017 - 2021