Smart Cities and Industry 4.0 are transforming urban living by integrating advanced technologies to enhance citizen services. This project explores the feasibility of leveraging Industry 4.0 for the development of intelligent, friendly cities.
National Project
The project will focus its efforts on carrying out feasibility studies with the aim of generating new knowledge and capabilities that can be useful from Industry 4.0 enabling technologies in developments related to future friendly and intelligent cities.
The main objective of the SmartAGE 4.2 project is to carry out a feasibility study that will allow the analysis and initiation of a research process in advanced technologies, so that after this project specific tools can be developed that will facilitate cities to improve their citizen services.
Therefore, the purpose of this project is to carry out a viability study that includes the triad Industry 4.0 – Intelligent Cities – Friendly Cities (from now on Triada I4.0CICA) with the elderly, providing technological solutions that fit in the Intelligent Cities platforms and that improve the quality of life of the people.
The result of the research will generate a selection of technological products and socio-sanitary services that fit into the triad.
ITCL and MHS will be in charge of generating the technological products, which will be validated by two other members participating in the project: the Spanish Red Cross in Castilla y León and Pronisa FEAPS Ávila will validate the socio-sanitary services and products. The project coordinators will be the AEICE and SIVI clusters.
Therefore, the SmartAGE 4.2. project seeks to take advantage of the capacities of the different digital enablers of the Industry 4.0 such as:
- business and intelligence solutions
- the collaborative platforms
- the massive data processing
- sensors and embedded systems, and therefore
- to promote the digital transformation of Spanish cities taking into account the “Age Friendly Cities” strategy
Actions during the project
The feasibility study will focus on:
- Evaluation of the current technologies of the cluster members. Study of the protocols and data exchange systems of the different solutions.
- Analysis of the interoperability of the products and services of the cluster, integration and communication of the different technologies and protocols.
- Study of the needs not covered with the current services and products, to reach the friendly city paradigm. Challenges and opportunities.
- Technological analysis of the sector from an industry 4.0 perspective. Role of digital enablers in the friendly city and the Smart
Duration: 9 months 2017-2018
Project partners:
This project has been funded through the Call for Subsidies to Support Innovative Business Groupings (AEIs) 2017 of the Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness