ICONICA: Research in Safe, Intelligent, Connected and Autonomous Driving
Project Description:
The ICÓNICA project aims to address the main challenges of “Mission 1: Safe Driving Adapted to New Electromobility Models and Autonomous Vehicles” by researching solutions for connected and autonomous vehicles through V2I and V2V information exchange using 5G communication networks, which offer high speed and ultra-low latency.
Main Objective:
The main objective is to execute a national cooperative project that brings together various industrial research efforts focused on different V2X connectivity solutions. These solutions will leverage high-speed, low-latency (5G) networks to enhance the safe driving of connected and autonomous vehicles on Spanish roads.
General Objectives:
GO1: Advance scientific and technological knowledge on communication systems for vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) and vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I) information exchange through 5G communications to support the development of safe driving.
GO2: Reduce road accidents by deploying advanced technology that enables real-time information exchange for safer driving.
GO3: Conduct Proofs of Concept (PoC) to validate the researched technologies for future development and commercialization.
GO4: Develop an ecosystem of companies and technology centers that fosters effective collaboration in providing global V2X communication solutions for safe driving.
GO5: Strengthen and position the Consortium and its member companies as key players in their respective fields, enabling their participation in international initiatives such as 5GAA, ERTICO ITS Europe, ETSI, and Horizon Europe (Cluster 5: Climate, Energy, and Mobility). Additionally, VODAFONE is an active member of several global associations, including 5GAA and GAIA-X, and collaborates with DFRS through the DGT on road safety projects. It also partners with MDS to improve mobility data exchange and integration across Europe and with LF Edge of The Linux Foundation as a Premier Member in a project focused on real-time data exchange using Edge Computing for ultra-low latency applications.
Specific Project Objectives:
The specific objectives of the project encompass the various technologies to be investigated:
SO1: Contribute to improving traffic infrastructure and enhancing new technologies that increase road safety.
SO2: Develop technological solutions for security and safe driving that support the transformation of the automotive sector.
SO3: Design driver assistance systems aimed at improving safety, supported by vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) and vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I) communication systems using high-speed, ultra-low-latency 5G networks.
SO4: Design intelligent beacons to promote smart and connected infrastructure, ensuring the safe driving of vehicles on roads.
SO5: Enhance the capabilities of alert communication over the 5G network to connected vehicles, increasing road safety by reducing latency and improving transmission speed.
SO6: Research how vehicle safety features in hazardous situations can provide information to road users (especially vulnerable ones) and relevant authorities.
SO7: Investigate autonomous driving systems, vulnerable road user detection, and the computing process of latency states at the vehicle edge and within the MEC (Multi-Access Edge Computing) infrastructure.
Project Duration:
October 2024 – December 2025
National cooperative project with:
Applicant companies:
Subcontracted technology centers
Funded by:

Programa: Misiones Ciencia e Innovación 2024 ha sido financiado por CDTI con el apoyo del Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación. Esta convocatoria se incluye entre las actuaciones previstas en el Plan Nacional de Recuperación, Transformación y Resiliencia, que será financiada por los fondos “Next Generation EU”, incluido el Mecanismo de Recuperación y Resiliencia