eficiencia energetica

CIBERTRAZ – Cyber-Physical Systems for Maintenance Traceability

CIBERTRAZ, Cyber-Physical Systems for maintenance traceability are transforming how data integrity is maintained in service environments. The CIBERTRAZ project combines Blockchain, IoT, and Big Data to enhance data trust and optimize maintenance processes.

In the manufacturing and/or service industries, the data intrinsic to them is a relevant value for the companies that make up today’s business fabric. Today, more than ever, the phrase “information is power” makes sense, and the more real and accurate this data is, the greater the decision-making capacity for the optimisation of business operations and processes.

Today, industry information systems are embedded systems where employees typically enter the relevant records. In this way, data collection is influenced by the human factor, so that the data may be distorted and thus associated with uncertainty.


The CIBERTRAZ project arises from the need to offer a technological solution that responds to the problem of trust that can be generated by current information systems with the aim of improving them in different sectorial areas.

The union of Cyber-Physical systems and IoT architectures will enable the generation of intelligent environments. In other words, Cyber-Physical systems are the skeleton of IoT, the technological link to merge the real world with the virtual one. On the other hand, the union of BIG DATA and BLOCKCHAIN makes it possible to record, group and take advantage of the amount of data provided by the devices connected to each other, providing very valuable information to improve the management and resources of companies.

CIBERTRAZ Objectives

Based on this, it is established as the main objective of the project, to investigate the Blockchain ecosystem as a permissive private chain where the Cyber-Physical systems found in the lifts form part of the ecosystem, at the same time as the users, maintainers and administration. The nodes present in the cyber-physical systems will be part of the BLOCKCHAIN infrastructure, and will incorporate the maintenance ledger in an immutable and traceable way. In other words, they will have the peer, the chade code and the ledger and will form part of the security of the network, at the same time as agents of consensus on the same, in such a way that traceability, immutability and inviolability of the maintenance operations of the same are sought.

In order to achieve the general objectives, the following specific technical objectives have been set:

  • To develop a new generation ecosystem of Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) with applications in the field of services and incorporating engineering to improve their efficiency and reduce maintenance costs.
  • Promote the linking of Cyber-Physical systems and IoT architectures to generate intelligent environments.
  • Linking BIG DATA and BLOCKCHAIN to record, group and take advantage of the amount of data offered by connected devices that provide valuable information to improve the management and resources of companies.
  • Trace data interrelationships in capital equipment to improve the management of maintenance services using BIG DATA and BLOCKCHAIN technologies.
  • Generate immutable records of facility data using BLOCKCHAIN technology.
  • Design the necessary components and adapters in the CPS, so that these form part of the ledger distribution infrastructure as nodes of the ledger.
  • Deploy automatic system of the Blockchain architecture for performance optimisation in terms of maintenance services, deployments of new nodes in the network and technology upgrades.
  • Integrate the physical and computational components, which allows to overcome the current integrated systems in terms of capacity, adaptability, scalability, security, reliability and usability.
  • Investigate the application of new technologies for traceability in engineering and service sectors for greater interconnection capacity and faster information exchange.
  • Develop prototype demonstrator services, incorporating all functionalities.
  • Develop differential competitive levers to favour Spanish industry and boost its exports.

ITCL’s participation in the CIBERTRAZ consortium:

ITCL carries out several activities within the project:

  1. CPS system as a Blockchain node
  2. Study on architecture features for Distributed Logging in the field of industrial maintenance.
  3. Adapters, both input and output, developed for the integration of the Blockchain with the rest of the systems.
  4. Smart contracts developed on the chosen platform.
  5. Smart contracts test plan.
Figure 1: CIBERTRAZ Project Development Diagram

Project duration:

September 2019 – December 2021

National Project in collaboration with:

ITCL Centro Tecnológico

Funded by:


UE Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional
plan de recuperación transformación y resiliencia

Contact person:

Javier Sedano – R&D Manager at ITCL Technology Centre