by ITCL | Jun 3, 2021 | "Energy Technologies" Projects, Energy Transition and Ecosystems, Regional project, Smart and Sustainable Industry
TEEP – Research in Innovative Technologies for the Optimization of Energy Efficiency in Production Processes To achieve the optimization of energy efficiency in companies with high consumption in their production processes through industrial research using...
by ITCL | Feb 24, 2021 | Computer vision. Projects, Digital Transformation, Regional project, Smart and Sustainable Industry
TELEBOT VR – Remote Robot Control via Virtual Reality TELEBOT VR : Remote robot control through virtual reality enhances operator immersion and efficiency in hazardous environments. Explore how VR and 5G technology revolutionize tele-robotic systems. The project...
by ITCL | Oct 9, 2019 | "Electronics and Artificial Intelligence" projects, Digital Transformation, Smart and Sustainable Industry
Fandango – Digital Twin in Automotive Manufacturing Fandango, Digital twin automotive manufacturing is revolutionizing the industry by enhancing efficiency, quality, and maintenance processes. The project leverages this technology to improve supply chain...
by ITCL | Oct 1, 2019 | "Electronics and Artificial Intelligence" projects, "Simulation and Virtual reality" projects, Digital Transformation, Smart and Sustainable Industry
Productio – Boosting Industrial Efficiency with Industry 4.0 Project Description: PRODUCTIO (PROductivity InDUstrial EnhanCement through enabling TechnlOgies) is a multisectoral and multidisciplinary R&D Consortium effectively collaborating, made up of 8...
by ITCL | Dec 13, 2018 | "Simulation and Virtual reality" projects, Digital Transformation, Electronics. Projects, National projects, Smart and Sustainable Industry
PigAdvisor – Smart Farming Solutions for Pig Farms PigAdvisor, Smart farming solutions for pig farms are revolutionizing livestock management with advance Big Data analytics. PigAdvisor integrates image and sensor analysis to enhance productivity, early disease...
by ITCL | Dec 13, 2018 | "Simulation and Virtual reality" projects, Computer vision. Projects, Digital Health, European projects, Smart and Sustainable Industry
Working Age – Smart Working environments for all Ages The Smart Working Environments for Aging Workers project, known as WorkingAge, aims to enhance work conditions for older employees. By integrating augmented reality, virtual reality, and IoT technologies,...