Solar Thermal hybrid power systems offer a sustainable solution for energy ptoduction. This project examines the feasibility of integrating small thermosolar plants with biomass support, focusing on both economic and operational aspects.

Feasibility scenarios study for a small hybrid biomass – SOLAR THERMAL POWER generation plant.

Technical and economical feasibility study for a small thermosolar system supported by a biomass-fired boiler, based on dynamic simulation techniques.

An advanced computational model has been development in order to simulate operational strategies for a small thermosolar plant. This model allows the study of the system under operational and different climate conditions. The aim of this project is to define economic feasibility scenarios and optimal operational conditions regarding different geospatial scenarios and constraints.

The Solar Thermal Hybrid Power System Feasibility project highlights the potential of integrating solar thermal technology with biomass support for sustainable energy production. By conducting a comprehensive technical and economic feasibility study, the project employs advanced computational models to simulate the operational strategies of small thermosolar systems. This study explores various economic scenarios and optimal operational conditions under diverse geospatial and climatic conditions. The results emphasize the viability of hybrid systems in enhancing energy efficiency and adapting to different environmental constraints, offering a promising approach to renewable energy solutions.

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