Research and Development projects are business projects of an applied nature for the creation and significant improvement of a production process, product or service submitted by one single company or by a group of businesses.
These projects may comprise both industrial research activities as well as experimental development, in accordance with the definitions of the General Block Exemption Regulation.
If you want more information or consider involving your company in these projects please contact us:
Instituto Tecnológico de Castilla y León. Polígono Industrial Villalonquéjar.
C/ López Bravo, 70. 09001 BURGOS. Spain
Tel. +34 947 298 471 // +34 947 298 008
Individual R&D projects: companies
National Cooperation R&D projects: at least, two independent companies
Project budget
Individual R&D projects: The minimum fundable budget is around €175,000
National Cooperation R&D projects: The minimum fundable budget will be around €500,000, with a minimum budget of around €1750,000
Length of the project
12 to 36 months
Proposal assessment criteria
- Technical-scientific quality of the proposal and degree of innovation.
- Financial and technical capacity of the company to implement the project.
- Capacity of the company to exploit the output.
- Potential market of the developments to be implemented.
- Impact on the internationalisation of the company activities.
- In the case of partnership projects, complementary nature and balance of the consortium.
They can be submitted electronically throughout the year: