ECENOVA – Ecosystem for Innovative Energy Communities
Project Description:
The ECENOVA project proposes the creation of an ecosystem that facilitates energy exchange between prosumers (producers and consumers of energy) using energy communities as a means to efficiently and sustainably manage the production, storage, and distribution of renewable energy. This ecosystem is supported by advanced technologies developed in previous research projects.
Through a consortium of companies, institutions, and organizations, the project will promote the creation of energy communities, fostering knowledge and the adoption of innovative solutions.
Project Objectives:
The main objective is to apply and share knowledge to create innovative and sustainable energy communities. The project aims to develop new technologies, optimize resources, and foster collaboration among energy sector stakeholders through networking events and workshops. Furthermore, it promotes the visibility of the innovation ecosystem with the SCOPE agency, positioning the Spanish energy sector as a leader in advanced technology. ECENOVA drives activities to develop innovation ecosystems based on previous R&D projects, interconnecting resources and key players, maximizing the use of renewable energy, and promoting the role of the aggregator in electric markets.
ITCL’s Role in the Project:
ITCL will collaborate with SISTEM in providing specialized services and facilitate technical resources for knowledge transfer activities in training sessions or workshops for the energy sector. To achieve this, ITCL will offer its technological capabilities related to the conversion of physical variables to electrical ones, the subsequent data processing for remote monitoring of processes and facilities, and the exploitation of the collected information to optimize them or generate alarms and indicators. It will facilitate the technological transfer of AI-applied tools and visualization with VR/AR/XR from the Cervera 2020_CEL.IA project to the ECENOVA innovation ecosystem.
Moreover, ITCL will contribute the necessary expertise to develop studies and roadmaps for the deployment of energy communities, prosumer analysis, user policy and strategy definitions, among others.
ITCL’s Objectives in the Ecosystem:
- Promote collaboration among ECENOVA partners.
- Promote the development of the corresponding roadmaps and technological studies to properly size solutions tailored to technological needs and channel them through transfer actions.
- Provide advice on establishing the technical-economic strategies and models for the necessary solutions.
- Identify needs in the ecosystem related to the construction of potential energy communities.
- Disseminate the benefits of joining energy communities to users and potential prosumers.
- Carry out training and capacity-building activities in ad hoc courses designed within the project.
- Foster the exchange of information, collaboration, and technological transfer in networks, platforms, and associations in the energy sector.
Project Duration:
March 2024 – December 2025
Funded by:
