Simulación y Realidad Virtual
“Productivity is never an accident. It is always the result of a commitment to excellence, intelligent planning and concentrated effort” (Paul J. Meyer).

ITCL Technology Centre has developed an innovative forklift simulator that will help in the training of workers without risk.
This forklift simulator is the result of the project ‘Virtual Reality as a resource for training and the acquisition of job skills’ that has been carried out by the Simulation Technologies department of ITCL Technology Centre.
With this Virtual Reality simulator it is possible to train and educate future workers as forklift operators (retractable type).
This development minimises the risk to the workers in the practical part as they are not in contact with environments that could put the personnel at risk, being a realistic training that does not present any risk to the worker.
It is a forklift with real controls that allows workers to operate as they will in the future in companies. Through virtual reality, the environment of a company and its storage area has been simulated as realistically as possible. In this way, the students can get to know in detail how they will have to operate in the future in the same environment, as well as the possibilities offered by the forklift truck before starting their professional career.
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Forklift simulator elements
The forklift truck simulator developed by ITCL has the following elements:
- Cockpit of a reach truck.
- High-performance computer to carry out the simulation.
- HTC Vive Pro Full Kit Virtual Reality glasses.
- Television for viewing the simulation.

What does the forklift simulator allow you to do?
The instructor of the course can give the user practical commands via the free mode, and the user can also practice with a series of exercises that are already implemented in the simulator:
- Preliminary inspection of the machine
- Driving in a straight line and forwards (with and without load)
- Driving in a straight line and in reverse (with and without load).
- Access to ramps (NOT on UNE) (with and without load)
- Making a double S-curve forward
- Making a double S-curve backwards
- Making a figure eight (NOT in UNE)
- Unstacking in a maximum of two manoeuvres per unit load at different rack heights.
- Remove a pallet from its stack in a maximum of two manoeuvres.
- Drive with a load forwards in a narrow aisle
- Drive backwards with a load in a narrow aisle.
- Stacking in a maximum of two manoeuvres per load unit at different rack heights.