
VIRTUALIZA – Virtual Training Platform for SME´s

The Virtual Training Platform for SMEs offered by the VIRTUALIZA project addresses the need for personalized training, particularly for users with dependencies or functional limitations. This innovative solution leverages Virtual Reality to enhance training effectiveness and bridge the digital divide.

This project arose from the need to offer more personalised training to users with certain dependencies or functional limitations, such as the elderly and people in vulnerable situations in general, among whom there is a digital divide that is widening as the different sectors of which they are habitual consumers, such as banking or commerce, advance on their own in their digitalisation without taking into account that their clients or users may be left behind along the way.


VIRTUALIZA is conceived as a collaborative platform, specifically oriented to the development of training activities, thanks to which the companies of the Cluster will be able to improve their competitiveness, as SMEs, among others, for the following reasons:

  • This platform will allow SMEs to access new markets and students outside their geographical area of action. They will be able to develop and scale up business in the training sector, particularly for their target audience in the care sector.
  • It will allow them to offer training models with high added value and a differential value proposition, thanks to the implementation of customised scenarios and the representation of 3D models in the scenes to recreate training spaces designed to meet the pedagogical needs of their projects.
  • It will allow the development of more innovative pedagogical training models thanks to the possibilities offered by the application of Virtual Reality technology in the field of training and take advantage of all its benefits such as improved knowledge retention rates as it is an experiential and experimental format.


The main objective of the VIRTUALIZA project is the development of a virtual and multi-user training space, through which the training staff will be able to give academic sessions to students located in different locations who will be able to interact with the teacher and with each other, in real time, thanks to the creation of a virtual scenario through the use of Virtual Reality glasses, through the representation of the users in the scene as avatars. In addition, VIRTUALIZA will offer valuable analytical data on the academic progress of the participants that will allow strategic decisions to be made about the training processes that are developed in the environment.

VIRTUALZA duration

November 2021 – August 2022

National Project in collaboration with:


ITCL Centro Tecnológico

Founded by:

This project has been financed by the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Tourism through the support programme for Innovative Business Groups.

plan de recuperación transformación y resiliencia


Blanca Moral – ITCL Technology Centre