ERAES – Autonomous Rural Spaces for Sustainable Energy

ERAES, Autonomus rural sapaces dor sustaible energy are essential for revitalizing rural areas and combating depopulation. The project aims to develop such spaces in Castilla y León by utilizing local recources and renewable energy for sustainable development.

What is ERAES?

An ERAES (Autonomous Rural Space for Sustainable Energy) is a rural territory or community, outside the influence of large population centers and their metropolitan areas, whose efficient use of endogenous resources and energy resources allows it to create an environment in which to enhance its capabilities. With the creation of this environment, it achieves a sustainable development of the territory in the social, cultural, economic and environmental aspects.

Through the creation of this type of spaces (ERAES) it is intended to contribute to the problem of depopulation that affects the “empty Spain”, and more markedly to the interior regions such as Castilla y León, new autonomous scenarios where to demonstrate that the economic, social and cultural aspects, are clear leverage against the demographic crisis and also against the climate crisis.

ERAES Objectives

The main objective of this project is to identify, prioritize and energize rural areas of Castilla y León with potential for territorial development. This will be done through the promotion of the sustainability of these areas, enhancing endogenous resources and the use of local renewable energies, thus turning them into sustainable autonomous areas.

ERAES Duration

2020 6 months

Regional Project in Cooperation with:

ITCL Centro Tecnológico

It is a project financed by the Junta de Castilla y León, through the subsidy program to support Innovative Business Associations (AAEEII) of the Community of Castilla y León.

Contact Person:

David González – R+D+i Project Technician