ITCL electronics and artificial intelligence projects


Research is to see what everybody else has seen, and think what nobody has though”. (Albert Szent-Györgyi)

Electronics and Artificial Intelligence. Projects

HECATE- Integral Distributed Control System (IDCS) optimization of railway remote controls

Design and development of a new Integrated Distributed Control System (IDCS) based on disruptive technology: Big Data tools for data collection, artificial intelligence for event and anomaly prediction, and Blockchain to maximize data security.

Duration: 2022-2023

ESPADIN- Data spaces in industry

Collaborative technological impulse dedicated to bringing the sharing and exploitation of the value of data to industrial practice under the paradigm of the denominated shared data spaces, working on the quality, availability and reliability of the data. Industrial research in these three areas will provide lines of work that promote trust and security, fundamental for the progress of the aforementioned paradigm, in terms of solving cross-cutting and strategic challenges of Spanish industry.

Duration: 2022-2024

SecBluRed- Holistic approach to cybersecurity in the Industrial IoT (IIoT).

SecBluRed - Holistic approach to cybersecurity in the Industrial IoT, proposes several lines of research within the development of cybersecurity capabilities focused on productive, operational and logistical activities in the industrial environment that offer the necessary protection to the connected industry.

Duration: 2022-2025

HOSMARTAI – Intelligent Hospital Development

The HosmartAI project will create a common open integration platform, with the necessary tools to facilitate and measure the benefits of integrating digital technologies (robotics and AI) into the healthcare system.

Several large-scale pilot projects will make it possible to evaluate the various improvements in several hospital environments:
Medical diagnosis, surgical interventions, disease prevention and treatment, rehabilitation support and long-term care.

Duration: 2021 - 2024

iPROHAB – Supply processes for the improvement of the competitiveness of the habitat sector

Research into the use of RPA systems for reading and downloading information, as well as the use of Blockchain technology, to provide the information obtained with veracity and immutability. Through the use of artificial intelligence, companies in the value chain will be redirected to the optimal profile.

Duration: 8 months (2022-2023)