
«La comunicación humana es la clave del éxito personal y profesional» (Paul J. Meyer)

Publicaciones Científicas del Grupo de I+D Electrónica Aplicada e Inteligencia Artificial


Indexadas en el Journal Citation Index of Thomson

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Conferencias, congresos y organización de eventos nacionales e internacionales

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Publicaciones indexadas en el Journal Citation Index of Thomson


Mihirette, S., De la Cal, E.A., Tan, Q. et al. (2025) Cross-contextual stress prediction: Simple methodology for comparing features and sample domain adaptation techniques in vital sign analysis. Appl Intell 55, 420 (2025).

González, Enol & Villar, José & Sedano, Javier. (2024). A Comparison Procedure for the Evaluation of Metaheuristics. In book: Hybrid Artificial Intelligent Systems. 10.1007/978-3-031-74183-8_13.

González, Enol & Flecha, José & Sedano, Javier & Chira, Camelia. (2024). BENCHMARKING ANALYSIS FOR BIOLOGICAL-BASED METAHEURISTICS. DYNA. 99. 296-302. 10.6036/11070.

Vázquez, Iago & Ayasi, Bahgat & Seker, H. & Luengo, J. & Sedano, Javier & García-Vico, A.M.. (2024). Combining traditional and spiking neural networks for energy-efficient detection of Eimeria parasites. Applied Soft Computing. 160. 111681. 10.1016/j.asoc.2024.111681.

Manuel Luis González Hernandez, Jorge Ruiz, Randy Lozada, Erik Sebastian Skibinsky Gitlin, Ángel Miguel García-Vico, Javier Sedano, José Ramón Villar (2023) «FAS-CT: FPGA-Based Acceleration System with Continuous Training». FedCSIS (Communication Papers) 2023: 131-139

García González, E., R. Villar, J., Chira, C., de la Cal, E., Sánchez, L., Sedano, J. (2023). «Multi-objective Optimization for Multi-Robot Path Planning on Warehouse Environments». In: García Bringas, P., et al. 18th International Conference on Soft Computing Models in Industrial and Environmental Applications (SOCO 2023). SOCO 2023. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol 750. Springer, Cham.

Gonzalez Hernandez, Manuel, Lozada, Randy, Ruiz, Jorge, Skibinsky-Gitlin, E.S., García-Vico, Ángel, Sedano, Javier & Villar, Jose. (2023). «Exploring the implementation of LSTM inference on FPGA». 1-5. 10.1109/ICECCME57830.2023.10252205.

de la Cal, E., Sedano, J., Gallucci, A., Valderde, P. (2023). «A Comparison of Two Speech Emotion Recognition Algorithms: Pepper Humanoid Versus Bag of Models«. In: , et al. 17th International Conference on Soft Computing Models in Industrial and Environmental Applications (SOCO 2022). SOCO 2022. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol 531. Springer, Cham.

Fernádez, E., Villar, J.R., Navarro, A., Sedano, J. (2023). «Case-Based Reasoning for the Prediction of Flash Flood«. In: , et al. 17th International Conference on Soft Computing Models in Industrial and Environmental Applications (SOCO 2022). SOCO 2022. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol 531. Springer, Cham.

Rostan, J., Incardona, N., Sánchez-Ortiga, E., Carmona, P., Martinez-Corral, M. (2022). Machine Learning-Based View Synthesis in Fourier Lightfield Microscopy. Sensors. 22. 3487. 10.3390/s22093487.

Echávarri-Dublán, J., Alonso-Santamaría, M., Luri-Esplandiú, P., Sáiz-Abajo, MJ (2022). Comparison of different illumination systems for moisture prediction in cereal bars using hyperspectral imaging technology. Journal of Spectral Imaging, Vol.11, Article ID a10.

García, E., Villar, J. R., Tan, Q., Sedano, J., & Chira, C. (2022). «An efficient multi-robot path planning solution using A* and coevolutionary algorithms«. Integrated Computer-Aided Engineering, 30(1), 41.

Lozada, R., Ruiz, J., Gonzalez, M.L., Sedano, J., Villar, J.R., García-Vico, A.M., Skibinsky-Gitlin, E.S. (2022). «Performance/Resources Comparison of Hardware Implementations on Fully Connected Network Inference». In: Yin, H., Camacho, D., Tino, P. (eds) Intelligent Data Engineering and Automated Learning – IDEAL 2022. IDEAL 2022. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 13756. Springer, Cham.

Pedrosa, I., Quirós, P., De Rosario, H., Garrido-Jaén, J., González, M., Sedano, J., Arandia, N., Bazan, X. (2022). Cutting-edge innovation on Artificial Intelligence for integrated care on neuromusculoskeletal disorders. International Journal of Integrated Care. 22. 403. 10.5334/ijic.ICIC22370

García, E., Villar, J.R., Chira, C., Sedano, J. (2022). «A Comparison of Meta-heuristic Based Optimization Methods Using Standard Benchmarks». In: , et al. Hybrid Artificial Intelligent Systems. HAIS 2022. Lecture Notes in Computer Science(), vol 13469. Springer, Cham.

Fernández, Enrique, José R. Villar, Alberto Navarro, y Javier Sedano (2022). «Early Detection of Flash Floods Using Case-Based Reasoning» Engineering Proceedings 18, no. 1: 19.

González M.L., Sedano J., García-Vico Á.M., Villar J.R. (2022) «A Comparison of Techniques for Virtual Concept Drift Detection». In: Sanjurjo González H., Pastor López I., García Bringas P., Quintián H., Corchado E. (eds) 16th International Conference on Soft Computing Models in Industrial and Environmental Applications (SOCO 2021). SOCO 2021. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 1401. Springer, Cham.

Mirko Fañez, Jose R Vilar, Enrique de la Cal, Victor M Gonzalez, Javier Sedano, Samad B. Khojasteh (2021) «Fall detection for healthy and autonomous elderly people». In: XIX Conferencia de la Asociación Española para la Inteligencia Artificial. ISBN 978-84-09-30514-8

JR Villar, C Chira, E de la Cal, VM González, J Sedano, SB Khojasteh (2021) “Autonomous on-wrist acceleration-based fall detection systems: unsolved challenges”. Neurocomputing 452, 10 September 2021, Pages 404-413.

I Vázquez, JR Villar, J Sedano, S Simić (2021) “An ensemble solution for multivariate time series clustering”. Neurocomputing. Available online 17 June 2021

de la Cal E., Fáñez M., DaSilva A., Villar J.R., Sedano J., Suárez V. (2021) “A Preliminary Study for Automatic Activity Labelling on an Elder People ADL Dataset”. In: Herrero Á., Cambra C., Urda D., Sedano J., Quintián H., Corchado E. (eds) 15th International Conference on Soft Computing Models in Industrial and Environmental Applications (SOCO 2020). SOCO 2020. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 1268. Springer, Cham.

Vázquez I., Villar J.R., Sedano J., Simić S. (2021) “A Comparison of Multivariate Time Series Clustering Methods”. In: Herrero Á., Cambra C., Urda D., Sedano J., Quintián H., Corchado E. (eds) 15th International Conference on Soft Computing Models in Industrial and Environmental Applications (SOCO 2020). SOCO 2020. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 1268. Springer, Cham.

de la Cal E., DaSilva A., Fáñez M., Villar J.R., Sedano J., Suárez V. (2021) “An Autonomous Fallers Monitoring Kit: Release 0.0”. In: Abraham A., Siarry P., Ma K., Kaklauskas A. (eds) Intelligent Systems Design and Applications. ISDA 2019. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 1181. Springer, Cham.

A. M. Pernía, M. J. Prieto, J. A. Martín-Ramos, P. J. Villegas, A. Navarro and J. Sedano (2020) «Wireless LLC converter for electric bicycle» IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference (VPPC), 2020, pp. 1-5, doi: 10.1109/VPPC49601.2020.9330839

Jose Villar, Camelia Chira, Enrique A. de la Cal Marín […] Samad Barri Khojasteh (2020). “Autonomous on-wrist acceleration-based fall detection systems: unsolved challenges”. Neurocomputing

M Fañez, J Villar, E A. de la Cal Marín, J Sedano, Samad Barri Khojasteh (2020). “Mixing user-centered and generalized models for Fall Detection”. Neurocomputing

Redondo, R.; Herrero, Á.; Corchado, E.; Sedano, J. (2020) «A Decision-Making Tool Based on Exploratory Visualization for the Automotive Industry». Applied Sciences-Basel, 10. Número: 12. DOI 10.3390/app10124355

E de la Cal, JR Villar, PM Vergara, J Sedano et al. (2020) «Design issues in Time Series dataset balancing algorithms«. Neural Comput & Applic 32, Núm ‏5, Pág. ‏ 1287-1304.

M Fañez, J Villar, EA. de la Cal Marín, […] Javier Sedano (2020). “Improving wearable-based fall detection with unsupervised learning”. Logic Journal of IGPL

M Fañez, J Villar, E de la Cal, J Sedano, VM Gonzalez (2020) «Transfer learning and information retrieval applied to fall detection». Expert Systems, 37, Número ‏ 6 DOI:

S Gonzalez, JR Villar, J Sedano, J Teran, Mluza Álvarez (2019) «Preliminary Study on the Detection of Apnea Episodes Through the Use of Dictionaries». Journal of Multiple-Valued Logic & Soft Computing, 32, Número: ‏ 3-4, Pág. ‏ 257-276

JR Villar, E de la Cal, M Fañez, VM González, J Sedano (2019) «User-centered fall detection using supervised, on-line learning and transfer learning». Progress in Artificial Intelligence, 1-22. DOI 10.1007/s13748-019-00190-2

Q. Tan, N. El-Bendary, M.A. Bayoumi, X. Zhang, J. Sedano, J.R. Villar (2018) «Emerging Technologies: IoT, Big Data, and CPS with Sensory Systems«. Journal of Sensors. Volume 2018, Article ID 3407542, 3 pages.

A. Bellezza, V. Caggiano, J. Gonzalez-Bernal, R. de-la-Fuente-Anuncibay, J. Sedano (2017) «Realidad aumentada: Aplicaciones en los negocios y la educación». DYNA. 92 – 3, pp. 288 – 292. FEDERACION ASOCIACIONES INGENIEROS INDUSTRIALES ESPAÑA, 01/05/2017. ISSN 0012-7361, ISSN 1989-1490. DOI:

P.M. Vergara, E. de la Cal Marín, J. Villar, J. Sedano (2017) «An IoT Platform for Epilepsy Monitoring and Supervising» Journal of Sensors 2017(7):1-18. July 2017. DOI: 10.1155/2017/6043069

Á. Herrero, B. Baruque, J. Sedano, H. Quintián-Pardo, E. Corchado (2017) «Editorial: Special Issue CISIS15-IGPL»Logic Journal of the IGPL 25(1): 1-2 (2017). DOI:

J. Sedano, S. González, C. Chira, Á. Herrero, E. Corchado, J.R. Villar (2017) «Key features for the characterization of Android malware families». Logic Journal of the IGPL 25(1): 54-66 (2017). DOI:

J.R. Villar, M. Menéndez, E de la Cal, J. Sedano, V.M. González (2016) «Identification of abnormal movements with 3D accelerometer sensors for seizure recognition«. Journal of Applied Logic,24: 54-61 (2017). DOI:

J.M. Trejo-Gabriel-Galan, V. Rogel-Melgosa, S. Gonzalez, J. Sedano, J. R. Villar, N. Arenaza-Basterrechea (2016) «Rehabilitation of hemineglect of the left arm using movement detection bracelets activating a visual and acoustic alarm«. Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation September 2016. DOI: 10.1186/s12984-016-0191-0

J.R. Villar, P. Vergara, M. Menéndez, E. De La Cal, V.M. González, J. Sedano (2016) «Generalized models for the classification of abnormal movements in daily life and its applicability to epilepsy convulsions recognition«International Journal of Neural Systems. April 2016. Impact Factor: 6.51· DOI: 10.1142/S0129065716500374

C. Chira, J. Sedano, J.R. Villar, M. Camara, C. Prieto (2016) «Gene clustering for time-series microarray with production outputs«. Soft Comput. 20(11): 4301-4312 (2016) DOI:10.1007/s00500-016-2299-3

S. González, A. Herrero, J. Sedano, U. Zurutuza, E. Corchado (2015) «Different approaches for the detection of SSH anomalous connections». Logic Jnl IGPL first published online October 20, 2015

Alejandro Hernández-Arauzo, Jorge Puente, Ramiro Varela, Javier Sedano (2015) «Electric vehicle charging under power and balance constraints as dynamic scheduling». Computers & Industrial Engineering 85: 306-315(2015)

J.R.Villar, E.A. de la Cal, J. Sedano, M.A. García Tamargo (2015) «Simple heuristics for enhancing GP learning». Logic Journal of the IGPL 23(3): 472-484 (2015)

Á. Herrero, V. Snásel, A. Abraham, I. Zelinka, B. Baruque, H. Quintián, J.L. Calvo-Rolle, J. Sedano, André C. P. L. F. de Carvalho, E. Corchado (2015) «Special issue SOCO12». J. Applied Logic 13(2): 91-93 (2015)

Gonzalez, S., Sedano J., Villar, J.R., Corchado, E., Herrero, A., Baruque, B. (2015). «Features and models for human activity recognition». NeurocomputingVol. 167, 1 November 2015, pp. 52–60. DOI: 10.1016/j.neucom.2015.01.082

Villar J.R., Chira C., Sedano J., González S., Trejo J.M. (2015). «A hybrid intelligent recognition system for the early detection of strokes». Integrated Computer-Aided Engineering, vol. 22, no. 3, 2015. DOI: 10.3233/ICA-150488. 

Redondo, R., Sedano, J., Vera, V., Hernando, B., Corchado, E. (2015). «A novel hybrid intelligent system for multi-objective machine parameter optimization». Pattern Analysis and Applications, February 2015, Volume 18, Issue 1, pp 31-44.

Villar, J.R., González, S., Sedano, J., Chira, C., and Trejo-Gabriel-Galan, J.M.. (2015). «Improving Human Activity Recognition and its Application in Early Stroke Diagnosis».  International Journal of Neural Systems DOI: 10.1142/S0129065714500361.

Chira C., Sedano J., Camara M., Prieto C., Villar J.R., Corchado E. (2014) «A cluster merging method for time series microarray with production values». International Journal of Neural Systems DOI: 10.1142/S012906571450018X.

Chira C., Sedano J., Villar J.R., Cámara M., Corchado E. (2014) «Urban Bicycles Renting Systems: Modelling and Optimization using Nature-inspired Search Methods«. Neurocomputing, 10 January 2014. DOI: 1016/j.neucom.2013.07.051

Sedano J., Portal M., Hernandez A., Villar J.R., Puente J., Varela R. (2013) «Sistema inteligente de recarga de vehículos eléctricos: Diseño y operación«. DYNA, Noviembre 2013. Vol.88-6, pags. 640-647. DOI: 6036/5788

Sedano J., Chira C., Villar J.R. , Ambel E.M. (2013) «An intelligent route management system for electric vehicle charging«. Integrated Computer-Aided Engineering, Volume 20, Number 4 / 2013, pages 321-333. ISSN 1069-2509. DOI: 10.3233/ICA-130437

Sedano J., González S., Herrero Á., Baruque B., and Corchado E. (2013) «Mutating Network Scans for Classifier Ensemble Assessment» Logic Journal of IGPL . DOI:10.1093/jigpal/jzs037 (In press). (Indexed in the Journal Citation Index of Thomson, FI. 0.913) . Volume: 21 Issue: 4 Special Issue: SI Pages: 630-647 DOI: 10.1093/jigpal/jzs037 Published: AUG 2013.

Villar J.R., Berzosa A., de la Cal E., Sedano J., García-Tamargo M. (2012) «Multi-Objective learning of white box models with Low Quality Data» Neurocomputing 75(1), pp 119-225, ISSN:1069-2509 (indexed in the Journal Citation Index of Thomson, FI. 1.58).

Sedano, Chira C., J. González, Villar J.R. (2012) «Intelligent system for measuring stress: Stresstic» Dyna, ISSN: 0012-7361, 87(3) pp. 366-344, (indexed in the Journal Citation Index of Thomson, FI. 0.171)

Vera V., Corchado E., Redondo R., SedanoJ., García Á.E. (2012) «Applying Soft Computing Techniques to Optimise a Dental Milling Process» Neurocomputing , ISSN:1069-2509 (indexed in the Journal Citation Index of Thomson, FI. 1.58). DOI. 10.1016/j.neucom.2012.04.033 (In press).

Corchado E., Abraham A., Snášel V., Sedano J., Calvo J.L., García-Hernández L. (2012) «Selected papers from the 6th International Conference on Soft Computing Models in Industrial and Environmental Applications». Journal of Applied Logic, DOI 10.1016/j.jal.2012.04.004, 10(4) pp. 275-276, 2012 (indexed in the Journal Citation Index of Thomson, FI. 0.574). ISSN: 1570-8683

Sedano ,Villar J.R., L., Curiel L., Corchado E., de la Cal E. A. (2011). «Learning and training techniques in fuzzy control for energy efficiency in buildings». Logic Journal of IGPL, 20(4) pp. 757-769. 2012. (indexed in the Journal Citation Index of Thomson, FI. 0.913).

Corchado E., Sedano J., Villar J.  and  Curiel L. «A Soft Computing Model to Optimise the Industrial Laser Milling Process». Expert System, 29(3), pp. 276-299, 2012 ISSN: 0266-4720 (indexed in the Journal Citation Index of Thomson FI. 0.717).

Sedano J., Berzosa A., Corchado, Villar J. R., de la Cal E. (2011) «Optimising operational costs using soft computing techniques» Integrated Computer Aided Engineering, 18(4), pp 113-125, ISSN:1069-2509 (indexed in the Journal Citation Index of Thomson, FI. 3.451).

Sedano J., López A., Berzosa A. (2010)  «IT and the carpooling habits», 85(7). Dyna, ISSN: 0012-7361 pp. 587-592, (indexed in the Journal Citation Index of Thomson, FI. 0.137).

Sedano J., Corchado E., Curiel L., Villar J. R., de la Cal E. (2010) «Detection of heat flux failures in building using a soft computing diagnostic system», Neural network world 20(7) pp.883-898. (Indexed in the Journal Citation Index of Thomson, FI. 0.511).

Sedano J., Curiel L., Corchado E., de la Cal E. and Villar J. (2010). «A soft computing method for detecting lifetime building thermal insulation failures». Integrated Computer Aided Engineering, 17(2), pp 103-115,  ISSN:1069-2509 (indexed in the Journal Citation Index of Thomson, FI. 2.122).

Publicaciones no indexadas

Villar J., González S., Sedano J. et al. (2012) «Meta-heuristic improvements applied to Incremental Cold Shaping». Memetic Computing 4 (4) , pp. 249-261.

Mata Ali, Alejandro. (2024). A QUBO Formulation for the Generalized Takuzu/LinkedIn Tango Game.

Conferencias, presentaciones, participaciones en congresos y organización de eventos a nivel nacional e internacional

Ruiz, Jorge & Andrés, Lidia & Lozada, Randy & Skibinsky, Erik & Fernández, Jorge & Sedano, Javier & García-Vico, Ángel (2024). «Deep Learning Inference on Edge: A Preliminary Device Comparison». In book: Intelligent Data Engineering and Automated Learning – IDEAL 2024, pp. 265-276. ISBN: 978-3-031-77730-1. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-77731-8_25

Vázquez, Iago & García-Vico, A. & Seker, H. & Sedano, Javier (2024). «Low Consumption Models for Disease Diagnosis in Isolated Farms». In book: Intelligent Data Engineering and Automated Learning – IDEAL 2024. pp 233-243. SBN: 978-3-031-77730-1. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-77731-8_22

Iago Vázquez, Jose Villar, Javier Sedano, Svetlana Simić (2021). “ A Comparison of Multivariate Time Series Clustering Methods»

Enrique A. de la Cal Marín, Mirko Fañez, Alvaro DaSilva, […] Victor Suárez (2021). “ A Preliminary Study for Automatic Activity Labelling on an Elder People ADL Dataset»

Enrique A. de la Cal Marín, Alvaro DaSilva, Mirko Fañez […] Victor Suárez (2021). “ An Autonomous Fallers Monitoring Kit: Release 0.0″

Diego Aranda-Orna, Jose Villar, Javier Sedano (2020). “ Stroke Rehabilitation: Detection of Finger Movements

Álvaro Herrero, Carlos Cambra, Daniel Urda, Javier Sedano, Héctor Quintián, Emilio Corchado (2021). «15th International Conference on Soft Computing Models in Industrial and Environmental Applications (SOCO 2020)”. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing. ISBN: 978-3-030-57801-5. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-57802-2

Álvaro Herrero, Carlos Cambra, Daniel Urda, Javier Sedano, Emilio Corchado (2021) “13th International Conference on Computational Intelligence in Security for Information Systems (CISIS 2020)”. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing

Álvaro Herrero, Carlos Cambra, Daniel Urda, Javier Sedano, Héctor Quintián, Emilio Corchado(2020) “The 11th International Conference on EUropean Transnational Educational (ICEUTE 2020)”. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing

González S., Herrero Á., Sedano J., Corchado E. (2020). “Neuro-Evolutionary Feature Selection to Detect Android Malware”. In: Martínez Álvarez F., Troncoso Lora A., Sáez Muñoz J., Quintián H., Corchado E. (eds) International Joint Conference: 12th International Conference on Computational Intelligence in Security for Information Systems (CISIS 2019) and 10th International Conference on EUropean Transnational Education (ICEUTE 2019). CISIS 2019, ICEUTE 2019. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 951

Váquez I., Villar J.R., Sedano J., Simić S. (2020) «A Preliminary Study on Multivariate Time Series Clustering». In: Martínez Álvarez F., Troncoso Lora A., Sáez Muñoz J., Quintián H., Corchado E. (eds) 14th International Conference on Soft Computing Models in Industrial and Environmental Applications (SOCO 2019). SOCO 2019. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 950

González S., Herrero Á., Sedano J., Corchado E. (2020) «Neuro-Evolutionary Feature Selection to Detect Android Malware». In: Martínez Álvarez F., Troncoso Lora A., Sáez Muñoz J., Quintián H., Corchado E. (eds) International Joint Conference: 12th International Conference on Computational Intelligence in Security for Information Systems (CISIS 2019) and 10th International Conference on EUropean Transnational Education (ICEUTE 2019). CISIS 2019, ICEUTE 2019. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 951.

Khojasteh, Samad Barri; Villar, Jose R.; de la Cal, Enrique; Gonzalez, Victor M.; Sedano, Javier (2019). “Fall Detection Analysis Using a Real Fall Dataset”. INTERNATIONAL JOINT CONFERENCE SOCO’18-CISIS’18- ICEUTE’18  Colección: ‏ Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing. Volumen: 771. Páginas: ‏ 334-343  DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-94120-2_32

Vazquez, Iago; Villar, Jose R.; Sedano, Javier; Simie, Svetlana; de la Cal, Enrique (2019). “A Proof of Concept in Multivariate Time Series Clustering Using Recurrent Neural Networks and SP-Lines”. HYBRID ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS, HAIS 2019. Colección: ‏Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence. Volumen: 11734. Páginas: ‏ 346-35DOI 10.1007/978-3-030-29859-3_30

Mirko Fáñez, José Ramón Villar, Enrique A. de la Cal, Víctor M. González Suárez, Javier Sedano (2019) «Feature Clustering to Improve Fall Detection: A Preliminary Study». 14th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SOFT COMPUTING MODELS IN INDUSTRIAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL APPLICATIONS (SOCO 2019) Colección: ‏ Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Vol. ‏ ,950 Pág. ‏ 219-228DOI 10.1007/978-3-030-20055-8_21

Enrique A. de la Cal, José Ramón Villar, Javier Sedano (2019) «DTW as Alignment Function in the Context of Time Series Balancing». 14th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SOFT COMPUTING MODELS IN INDUSTRIAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL APPLICATIONS (SOCO 2019) Colección: ‏ Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing,  Vol ‏ 950. Pág. ‏ 209-218DOI 10.1007/978-3-030-20055-8_20209-218

Redondo, R; Herrero, A; Corchado, E; Sedano, J (2019). “Neural Visualization for the Analysis of Energy and Water Consumptions in the Automotive Industry”. INTERNATIONAL JOINT CONFERENCE SOCO’18-CISIS’18- ICEUTE’18. Colección: ‏Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing. Volumen: ‏ 771 Páginas: ‏ 167-176 DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-94120-2_16

Samad Barri Khojasteh, José Ramón Villar, Enrique A. de la Cal, Víctor M. González Suárez, Javier Sedano, Harun Resit Yazgan (2018) «Evaluation of a Wrist-Based Wearable Fall Detection Method». HAIS 2018: 377-386

Raquel Redondo, Álvaro Herrero, Emilio Corchado, Javier Sedano (2018) «Neural Visualization for the Analysis of Energy and Water Consumptions in the Automotive Industry».SOCO-CISIS-ICEUTE 2018: 167-176

Samad Barri Khojasteh, José Ramón Villar, Enrique A. de la Cal, Víctor M. González Suárez, Javier Sedano (2018) «Fall Detection Analysis Using a Real Fall Dataset».SOCO-CISIS-ICEUTE 2018: 334-343

Jose Villar, Víctor M. González, Enrique A. de la Cal Marín, J. Sedano, Juan Álvarez (2017) «IoT and Big Data in well-aging: the IoTEA project» Conference Paper.  Apr 2017. International Conference on Communication, Management and Information Technology, special session on Internet of Things and Big Data.

P. Vergara, J.R. Villar, E. de la Cal, M. Menéndez, J. Sedano (2016) «Comparing ACO Approaches in Epilepsy Seizures». In book: Hybrid Artificial Intelligent Systems, pp.261-272. Apr 2016. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-32034-2_22

Á. Herrero, B. Baruque, J. Sedano, H. Quintián, E. Corchado (2015) «International Joint Conference – CISIS’15 and ICEUTE’15, 8th International Conference on Computational Intelligence in Security for Information Systems / 6th International Conference on EUropean Transnational Education», Burgos, Spain, 15-17 June, 2015. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing 369, Springer 2015, ISBN 978-3-319-19712-8.

Á. Herrero, J. Sedano, B. Baruque, H. Quintián, E. Corchado (2015) «10th International Conference on Soft Computing Models in Industrial and Environmental Applications», SOCO 2015, Burgos, Spain, June 2015. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing 368, Springer 2015, ISBN 978-3-319-19718-0.

J. Sedano, C. Chira, S. González, Á. Herrero, E. Corchado, J.R. Villar (2015) «On the Selection of Key Features for Android Malware Characterization». CISIS-ICEUTE 2015: 167-176.

J.R. Villar, M. Menéndez, J. Sedano, E. A. de la Cal, V. M. González (2015) «Analyzing Accelerometer Data for Epilepsy Episode Recognition».  SOCO 2015: 39-48.

Enrique A. de la Cal, José Ramón Villar, P. M. Vergara, Javier Sedano, A. Herrero (2015) «A Preliminary Cooperative Genetic Fuzzy Proposal for Epilepsy Identification Using Wearable Devices». SOCO 2015: 49-63.

C. Chira, J. Sedano, J.R. Villar, M. Camara, C. Prieto (2015) «Shape-Output Gene Clustering for Time Series Microarrays». SOCO 2015: 241-250.

S. González, J.R. Villar, J. Sedano, J. Terán, M.L. Alonso Álvarez, J. González (2015) «Heuristics for Apnea Episodes Recognition». SOCO 2015: 251-259.

González S., Villar J.R., Sedano J. and Chira C. (2013) «A Preliminary Study on Early Diagnosis of Illnesses Based on Activity Disturbances» Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing Volume 217, 2013, pp 521-527.

Villar J.R., Rodriguez S., Sedano J., Chira C., and Trejo J.M. (2013)»Human Activity Recognition and featureselection for stroke early diagnosis» HAIS 2013.

Villar J.R., González S., Sedano J., Chira C. and Trejo J.M. (2013) «Early diagnosis of Stroke: bridging the gap through wearable sensors and computational models» International Conference of Applied Mathematics ICAM 2013.

Hernandez Arauzo A., Puente Peinador J., González M.A., Varela R. and Sedano J. (2013) «Dynamic Scheduling of Electric Vehicle Charging under Limited Power and Phase Balance Constraints» SPARK – Scheduling and Planning Applications woRKshop. ICAPS 2013, the 23rd International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling Rome, 10-14 June, 2013

Herrero A., Snášel V., Abraham A., Zelinka I., Baruque B., Quintián H., Calvo J.L., Sedano J. and Corchado E. «International Joint Conference CISIS’12-ICEUTE´12-SOCO´12 Special Sessions» – Springer. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Volume 189 2013. ISBN: 978-3-642-33017-9

Sedano J., González S., Baruque B., Herrero A. and Corchado E. «Soft Computing for the Analysis of People Movement Classification» Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 1, Volume 188, Soft Computing Models in Industrial and Environmental Applications, Pages 241-248.

De la Cal E., Villar J.R., García-Tamargo M. and Sedano J. (2012) «Comparison of Fuzzy Functions for Low Quality Data GAP Algorithms» Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2012, Volume 7209, Hybrid Artificial Intelligent Systems, Pages 339-349.

Krömer P., Novosád T., Snášel V., Vera V., Hernando B., García-Hernández L., Quintián H., Corchado E., Redondo R. and Sedano J. et al. «Prediction of Dental Milling Time-Error by Flexible Neural Trees and Fuzzy Rules. Lecture Notes in Computer Science», 2012, Volume 7435, Intelligent Data Engineering and Automated Learning – IDEAL 2012, Pages 842-849.

Krömer P., Novosád T., Snášel V., Vera V., Hernando B., García-Hernández L., Quintián H., Corchado E., Redondo R. and Sedano J. et al. «Evaluation of Novel Soft Computing Methods for the Prediction of the Dental Milling Time-Error Parameter» Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 1, Volume 188, Soft Computing Models in Industrial and Environmental Applications, Pages 163-172.

Barbero I., Chira C., Sedano J., Prieto C. and Villar J.R. et al. (2012) «Merge Method for Shape-Based Clustering in Time Series Microarray Analysis Lecture Notes in Computer Science,» 2012, Volume 7435, Intelligent Data Engineering and Automated Learning – IDEAL 2012, Pages 834-841.

Villar J.R., de la Cal E., García-Tamargo M., Sedano J. (2012) «Comparación de métodos de evaluación en algoritmos GAP con representación de imprecisión» XVI congreso español sobre tecnologías y lógica fuzzy (ESTYLF 2012). España 2012.

Rodríguez-García A., Kosalková K., Albillos S.M., Martínez-Castro M., Barreiro C., Sedano J. and Prieto C. (2012) «Bioinformatic characterization and transcriptomic analysis of synthetases and related biological processes of a newly sequenced bacterial genome, in order to guide the metabolic engineering» The XIth Spanish Symposium on Bioinformatics (JBI2012). Barcelona, Spain. 2012.

Villar J.R., Sedano J., Corchado E., Vera V., Hernando B., Redondo R. «Intelligent Operating Conditions design by means of Bio-inspired Models» Proceedings of the Third World Congress on Nature and Biologically Inspired Computing, NABIC2011. Salamanca, Spain, 2011.

Sedano J., Herrero A., González S., Corchado E., and Baruque B. (2011) «Nature-inspired Ensembles to Detect SNMP Anomalous Situations» Proceedings of the Third World Congress on Nature and Biologically Inspired Computing, NABIC2011. Salamanca, Spain, 2011.

Chira C., Sedano J., Cámara M., Villar J.R. and Corchado E. (2011) «A Hybrid Evolutionary Approach to the Management of Bicycle Renting Systems» Proceedings of the Third World Congress on Nature and Biologically Inspired Computing, NABIC2011. Salamanca, Spain, 2011.

Chira, Sedano J., J.R. Villar, Cámara M. and Corchado E. (2011) «Evolutionary Model Support for Urban Bicycles Renting System» Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications, ISDA 2011, Cordoba, España. 2011.

Villar J.R., Sedano J., Corchado E., Puigpinos L. (2011) «Soft Computing Decision Support for a steel Sheet Incremental Cold Shaping Process» 12th. International Conference on Intelligent Data Engineering and Automated Learning, IDEAL 2011, Norwich, UK, 2011.

Puigpinos L., Villar J.R., Sedano J., Corchado E., de Ciurana J. (2011) «GA-NN feature selection for real complex decision support systems» Fifth edition of the International Workshop on Nature Inspired Cooperative Strategies for Optimization NICSO 2011.

El-Bendary N., Hassanien A.E., Sedano J., Soliman O.S., and Ghali N.I. (2011) «μTESLA-based Secure Routing Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks» The First International Workshop on Security and Privacy in e-Societies, SeceS 2011 june, baabda-lebanon, 2011. Copyright 2011 ACM 978-1-4503-0884-7. 2011.

Vera V., Sedano J., Corchado E., Redondo R. and Hernando B.  et al. (2011)»A Hybrid System for Dental Milling Parameters Optimisation» 6th International Conference, HAIS 2011 Hybrid Artificial Intelligence Systems, Poland. 2011.

González S., Sedano J., Herrero A., Baruque B. and Corchado E. (2011) «Testing Ensembles for Intrusion Detection: On the Identification of Mutated Network Scans» Computational Intelligence in Security for Information Systems, CISIS 2011. Spain,2011.

Vera V., Sedano J., Corchado E., Redondo R., Hernando B.,  Cámara M., García A.E. (2011) «Machine parameters optimisation using soft computing techniques for a dental milling process» 6th International Workshop on Soft Computing Models in Industrial Applications. Spain, 2011.

Berzosa A., Villar J.R., Sedano J., García-Tamargo M. and De la Cal E. (2011) «A Study of Tree generation Algorithms in Equation Based Model Learning with Low Quality Data» 6th International Conference, HAIS 2011 Hybrid Artificial Intelligence Systems, Poland.

Berzosa A., Villar J.R., Sedano J., and García-Tamargo M. (2011) «Tree generation methods compararison in GAP problems with Low Quality Data» 6th International Workshop on Soft Computing Models in Industrial Applications, Spain, 2011.

Vera V., García A.E., Suárez M.J., Hernando B.,  Redondo R., Corchado E., Sedano J., Sánchez M.A., Gil A. (2010) «Optimizing a dental milling process by means of Soft computing Techniques» Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications, ISDA 2010, Cairo, EGYPT.

Corchado E., Vera V., García A.E., Suárez M.J., Hernando B., Redondo R., Sedano J., Silva H., Hernández P. (2010) «A bio-inspired computational high-precision dental milling System» Proceedings of the Second World Congress on Nature and Biologically Inspired Computing, NABIC2010, Kitakyushu, Japan.

Berzosa A., Sedano J., Corchado E., Villar J.R. and García-Tamargo M. (2010) «Improving the enterprise resource planning results using knowledge extraction and learning» Proceedings of the Second World Congress on Nature and Biologically Inspired Computing, NABIC2010, Kitakyushu, Japan.

Berzosa A., Sedano J., Villar J.R., Corchado E. and de la Cal E. (2010) «Integrating Manufacturing Execution and Business Management systems with soft computing» Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Computational and Mathematical Methods in Science and Engineering, CMMSE2010, Almeria, Spain.

de la Cal A., Quiroga E.M., Villar J. R., Sedano J. and García-Tamargo (2010) «M. Scalability of a methodology for generating technical trading rules with GAPs based on Risk-Return adjustment and incremental training» 5th International Conference, HAIS 2010 Hybrid Artificial Intelligence Systems, San Sebastian, Spain. 2010.

Villar J.R., de la Cal E., Sedano J. and García-Tamargo M. «Evaluating the Low Quality Measurements in Lighting Control Systems» 5th International Workshop on Soft Computing Models in Industrial Applications, Guimarães, Portugal.

Villar J.R., de la Cal E., Sedano J. and García-Tamargo M. (2010) «Low quality data in optimising energy efficiency in distributed agents». 5th International Conference, HAIS 2010 Hybrid Artificial Intelligence Systems, San Sebastian, Spain.

Sedano J., Villar J.R., Curiel L., de la Cal E., Corchado E. (2010) «Modelling of Heat Flux in Building using Soft computing». 23rd International Conference on Industrial, Engineering & Other Applications of Applied Intelligent Systems, IEA-AIE, Cordoba, Spain, 2010. (Ranking 46 de 701).

Villar J.R., de la Cal E. and Sedano J. (2010) «Low quality data management for optimising energy efficiency in distributed agents» 8th International Conference on Practical Applications of Agents and Multi-Agent Systems Salamanca. Spain. 2010. (Ranking 52 de 701).

Registros de Propiedad Intelectual


Sedano, Miguel A., González J., Chira C., Villar J. (2011) «Procedimiento y dispositivo electrónico multiagente con control difuso para la detección del ictus cerebral» P201101075, September, 28, 2011 PCT/ES2012/070264, July, 25, 2013.
Descripción: Procedure and multi-agent electronic device for lateral cerebral ictus detection that uses fuzzy intelligent algorithms and electronics design in order to implement the stroke detection by means of two electronic devices- placed on both arms of the subject- that measure and analyse the inertial movements of the limbs.

Sedano, J.R., Villar J. et al., (2012) «Método y sistema inteligente de distribución de energía en una red con múltiples puntos de carga para vehículos eléctricos» P201230485, March, 30, 2012
Descripción: Method and energy distribution system in a multiple charging stations network, e.g. for electric vehicles, that plans and optimises the charging times of every device regarding certain charge parameters that are estimated by pattern recognition methods. To do so, the system analyses the current charging circumstances and uses comparison measures with previously recorded charging circumstances.

Registro de Software

  • 00/2023/13. Software de la electrónica de control para dispositivo electrónico de control de microbombas piezoeléctricas con comunicación inalámbrica Bluetooth y batería recargable para la experimentación con sistemas de filtrado de fluidos biológicos.
  • 00/2023/277. Software de la electrónica de control para sensor de temperatura y humedad con comunicación de bajo consumo y largo alcance LoRaWAN y alimentación por batería.
  • 00/2023/522. Software de la electrónica de control para dispositivo de seguimiento (Tracker) con sistema de geolocalización, protocolo de comunicación MQTT seguro y gestión inteligente de alarmas y batería.
  • BU-39-21. Software de la electrónica de control para los sistemas de préstamo y recarga de bicicletas Bicicard® y e-Bicicard® con protocolo de comunicación seguro y gestión inteligente de procedimientos de carga.
  • BU-37-19. share4business, aplicación iOs.
  • BU-36-19. share4business, backend & frontend.
  • BU-35-19. share4business, aplicación android.
  • BU-23-18. Software de evaluación y predicción de enfermedades en mayores.
  • BU-22-18. Software de gestión de salas multisensoriales.
  • BU-55-17. Software de la electrónica de control para los sistemas automáticos de préstamo y recarga de bicicletas Bicicard y e-Bicicard con protocolo de comunicación seguro.
  • BU-54-17. Agrupaciones de formas geneticas (shape clustering genes).
  • BU-102-12. Sistema de control de alumbrado exterior con comunicación ZIGBEE.
  • BU-207-11. Sistema de Carga Inteligente para Vehículos Eléctricos: Programa de pruebas y ensayos.
  • BU-206-11. Sistema de Carga Inteligente para Vehículos Eléctricos con Discriminación Horaria.
  • BU-205-11. Sistema de Carga Inteligente para Vehículos Eléctricos: Software dispositivo Esclavo.
  • BU-204-11. Sistema de Carga Inteligente para Vehículos Eléctricos: Software dispositivo Maestro.
  • BU-168-11. Software para el sistema StressTIC.
  • BU-167-11. Estación de recarga de vehículos eléctricos.
  • BU-114-11. Software para la clasificación de datos en procesos industriales y de bienes de equipo, por medio de ensembles y clasificadores.
  • BU-211-10. Software de dispositivo electrónico para el transporte privado compartido «ITCL-CARPOOLING«.
  • BU-210-10. Software de la electrónica de control para el sistema de préstamo de bicicletas –bicicard «e-bicicard«.